Ron Dreher on Palin's New Book

Oh, this is not going to go over well with the Palin-bots…


Transcript is available over at NPR

A snippet:

Palin positions herself as a populist, but her populism is entirely cultural. She never misses an opportunity to tell us Rod Dreherhow weepy she gets when she thinks about our country and its military. She fires the governor’s mansion chef, who is bored because her kids won’t eat his fancypants food. She swoons over a meal of homemade blueberry pie from “hardworking, unpretentious, patriotic” Alaskans — unlike, one presumes, those uppity Berkeley snobs who prefer tarte Tatin at Chez Panisse.

A little of that goes a long way, and I wouldn’t begrudge Palin a bit of it if her populism had any economic substance. Early in Going Rogue she talks in detail about how Exxon exploited the people of Alaska in the Exxon Valdez disaster. And her experience tangling with oil companies taught Palin about how big business colludes with government to create a crony capitalism that harms the common good.

And yet, she’s incapable of understanding how the uncritically pro-business economic agenda she touts makes this possible.

“In national politics, some feel that big Business is always opposed to the Little Guy,” she writes. “Some people seem to think a profit motive is inherently greedy and evil, and that what’s good for business is bad for people. (That’s what Karl Marx thought too.)”

Karl Marx! Well, say no more! Along those lines, Palin’s economic program amounts to nothing more than tax-cutting, deregulating and the endless repetition of shopworn GOP talking points.

This is the Republican Party’s great populist hope?

I got to hand it to Ron Dreher; he does speak the unvarnished truth about stuff like this. I have not always agreed with him. But I have always respected his opinion. Looks like I will be saving my nine dollars for something of more substance. Good on Ron for speaking the truth about something like this and not sucking up to the party or to Palin or her followers.

If we had more people like this on the Conservative side; maybe, just maybe our Party and our movement would be in better shape.

Update: …and as expected, the Palin-bots are out in force. Between you and me; I will take the word of a “Conservative Douche bag” over a guy who quit the Washington Times; because he got his feathers ruffled any damned day of the week. I just do not get these moronic idiots, who run around with their noses up Sarah Palin’s twat ass. They think because she so damned pretty and because she is a woman; that she is entitled to be President of the United States. How about Sarah Palin be a real Conservative woman and stay home and raise her children, so no more of them end up pregnant? How about she stay home and take care of her “special needs” child, that she used as bumper sticker and campaign prop; and leave the Politics to the real people, that actually know how to run a City, State and yes, a National Government.  Because it is quite obvious to the rest the world that this woman is not cut out for national politics. There, I said it, and I am damned proud of it; and if any of these dumb ass Palin-bots want to come after me, I say bring it on, bring it the hell on, because I will destroy every last damned one of you.