America is Back, Finally

Well, Donald J. Trump made it. As I wrote before, I voted for the man. I quite literally had no other choice and basically, I could never really vote Democrat, they have just lost me.

Paraphrasing John Wayne slightly, I voted for the man, I hope he does a good job.

I just hope that the President does not get caught up in the blatant stupidity that hounded his last Presidency.  To be fair, he does seem to have a quite competent team around him this time.

I do hope, however, that the President is able to get this Nation back on the path that it desperately needs to return to being on.

I hope the prices on food, gas, goods, and other such things drop back to acceptable levels.

I hope that we can cast the Neocon, internationalist Democrat style of foreign policy, trade, and world outlook into the dustbin of history as an example of what not to do.

I hope that Democratic Socialism is cast into the ash heap of history, as a tragic mistake that almost cost the Democratic Party any sort of political legitimacy and it will be viewed as an flawed political doctrine and that the Democrats will never, ever give those fools any sort of place at the table of political discourse ever again.

I hope that the MAGA movement and Donald J. Trump’s fight to regain the White House is used by Conservatives to political students of the Republican Party on how to effectively reach those who are not a part of your normal demographic and as an cautionary tale of what happens when a movement gets out of control of its intended purpose. (See Jan 6)

I hope that the Republican Party, President Trump and the Conservative movement as a whole, does not get cocky and use this victory to bash the Democratic Party over the head. Their resounding defeat in the election did that very well.

I hope that President Donald Trump does not abuse his power as President.

Other than that, I have nothing to say really.

I am just glad that America is back!

Trump campaign makes a bad mistake

This was a seriously stupid mistake.

Via The Hill:

Trump spokesperson Karoline Leavitt said jokes made by comedian Tony Hinchcliffe about Puerto Rico, Jews and other minorities at former President Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally Sunday night were in “poor taste,” as the campaign sought to distance itself from the material.  

“It was a comedian who made a joke in poor taste,” Leavitt said during an appearance on Fox News.


Obviously, that joke does not reflect the views of President Trump or our campaign, and I think it is sad that the media will pick up on one joke that was made by a comedian, rather than the truth that were shared by the phenomenal list of speakers that we had.”

Hinchcliffe made a number of jokes that earned audible groans from the crowd and that has put the Trump campaign into a defensive mode, including at one point referring to Puerto Rico as a “floating island of garbage.”

“There’s a lot going on. Like, I don’t know if you know this, but there’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it’s called Puerto Rico,” Hinchcliffe said, eliciting mixed reactions from the crowd.

At another point, Hinchcliffe said Latinos “love making babies.”

“They do. There’s no pulling out. They don’t do that. They come inside. Just like they did to our country,” he said.

This obviously was a huge blunder by the Trump campaign. They did not think to vet his routine?

Via Memeoradum

Yes, I voted for Trump

Donald Trump might be an asshole, conceited and a bit of an elitist prick. But I will take that over a socialist giggling, race-baiting bitch, any day of the damn week.

I mean, Kamala Harris has no plan, she stole the majority of her shit from Donald Trump and she’s a fucking gott-damned liar. Plus, she wants Israel to fail. She is on the Democrat train of calling for a fucking cease fire. A Fucking Cease-fire? 

Those towel-headed mother fuckers in the Gaza Strip; Hamas, I mean. Attacked Israel on October 7 of last year, following by their goat humping fucking friends in Lebanon murdered children and took hostages; and these assholes on the left want a fucking cease fire??!?! Fuck them.

It is okay though, her campaign is losing and the democrats know it. Why do you think that she is trotting out all these celebs from Hollywood, Music and otherwise? Because the majority of Americas know she’s a fucking fraud! First, they had that demented old fuck Biden and when they finally figured out that the alzheimer’s patient in chief could not win at all in a reelection, they tossed this fucking gigging idiot out there and tried to get America to believe the bullshit hype about her.

I mean, the liberal Jews are leery of her, the conservative Jews hate her with a passion. The Arabs, especially here in Michigan, HATE her. Most black men, even liberal ones are looking at her like she is a fucking fraud. Black woman, with exception of like the really liberal ones; think she’s a fucking joke.

Not to mention, the MEDIA. Holy shit, the non-fox news media is propping this two-bit fake ass, house negro up like a dummy in an Federal Theater Project. (some might get that reference) It is dishonest, it is unprofessional and it really makes people, like me, distrust ANY non-fox media outlet. (The exception being like Newsmax and other conservative outlets.)

Folks, the facts are that we do not need another four years of Democrat’s in the White House. We have seen our economy torn to shreds, inflation is through the roof, job numbers — when figure in the long term unemployed, like me, are terrible. Not to mention wars and tension all over the world, and illegal immigration is rampant; and is full of terrorists and criminals.

In closing, I offer a slightly modified ending of a very famous speech:

“Let us rise to the call of freedom- loving blood that is in us and send our answer to the tyranny that clanks its chains upon this Country. In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny . . . and I say . . . American Freedom today . . . American Freedom tomorrow . . . American Freedom forever.”

And you can quote me on that one.

Trump 2024.


The last survivor of the USS Arizona attacked at Pearl Harbor, Lou Conter dead at 102

There is quite a bit that I want to say about this. But first, the story.

Via AP:

HONOLULU (AP) — Lou Conter, the last living survivor of the USS Arizona battleship that exploded and sank during the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, has died. He was 102.

Lou Conter, the last living survivor of the USS Arizona battleship that exploded and sank during the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Conter passed away on Monday at his home in Grass Valley, California, following congestive heart failure, his daughter, Louann Daley said, adding she was beside him along with two of her brothers, James and Jeff.

The Arizona lost 1,177 sailors and Marines in the 1941 attack that launched the United States into World War II. The battleship’s dead account for nearly half of those killed in the attack.

Conter was a quartermaster, standing on the main deck of the Arizona as Japanese planes flew overhead at 7:55 a.m. on Dec. 7 that year. Sailors were just beginning to hoist colors or raise the flag when the assault began.

Conter recalled how one bomb penetrated steel decks 13 minutes into the battle and set off more than 1 million pounds (450,000 kilograms) of gunpowder stored below.

The explosion lifted the battleship 30 to 40 feet (9 to 12 metes) out of the water, he said during a 2008 oral history interview stored at the Library of Congress. Everything was on fire from the mainmast forward, he said.

Now, go read the rest of that, please.

May he rest in peace, he has more than earned it.

What strikes me is the amount of blogs that wrote about this. Sure, the major papers covered it, they had to, it is news. But, no left wing blogs at all and an smattering of right wing blogs covered it.  It is sickening.  The left wing blogs are too busy painting Trump is some sort of crazy person, who is going to declare martial law and imprison all Democrats and liberals if elected. The right, well they are too busy mocking Joe Biden and “owning” the liberals on the left…..whatever that means.

The crazy thing is, that war, the only constitutionally declared war, was fought to protect the rights of these boneheads who printing the tripe that they are printing today.  If it were not for the MEN, and yes, they were MEN, fighting MEN that put their butts on line to protect this Nation of ours and to punish Japan and Germany from reaching their evil goals and the World is much better off for it too.

It is a terrible state what our media — Broadcast, cable, and online media have become in 2024.

Others — YMMV: Reuters, UPI, New York Post, The Japan Times, Los Angeles Times, The Daily Caller, The Hill, Twitchy, New York Times, One America News Network, Associated Press and Task & Purpose

Nikki Haley is losing the support of Republicans of Color

As I wrote yesterday, Nikki Haley stepped on the whole Civil War/Slavery land mine.

Well, it appears that Republicans who are people of color are not too happy about it.

The story via Politico:

Republicans of color said on Thursday they were dismayed by Nikki Haley’s initial refusal to say that slavery was the cause of the Civil War. It wasn’t just an offensive historical omission, they argued, but a tactical blunder too.

“She easily could’ve communicated better in that moment, but chose to use a tired old political stump tactic by tossing the same question back to the guy who asked,” said Rina Shah, a Republican strategist based in Washington, D.C., in a text to POLITICO.

“What I do see is her having left out the word ‘slavery’ because she was scared to talk about anything regarding our nation’s complicated history. I think by acknowledging slavery she felt she might be alienating” Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis voters.

Haley, who is currently running in second among GOP primary voters in both New Hampshire and South Carolina, according to the Real Clear Politics polling average, declined on Wednesday night to say slavery was the cause of America’s deadliest war. The next morning, she attempted to clarify her statement during an interview with The Pulse of NH.


“She should’ve been able to answer the damn question and move on,” he said.

He added that her comments likely alienated moderate Republicans and swing voters she desperately needed to mount a successful challenge for the nomination.

“She had a chance to be competitive even though she was always likely to lose [the nomination]. However, that’s over now. She’s toast,” Singleton said.

I have to agree, Haley is running as a main-stream Republican and one of those tenants of the neo-conservatives is that the Civil War was about Slavery…only, nothing else. This also speaks to the anti-southern attitude amongst the neo-cons. Much like the Democrats with the blacks; The beltway, neo-cons, do not give a damn about the Republicans in the south, they just want their votes. Donald Trump proved that.

Others: RedState, AFP, NPR, NH Journal, Washington Post, The Messenger, The Hill, The Root, USA Today, Raw Story, The Moderate Voice, Vanity Fair, Al Jazeera, The Daily Beast, abc7NY, Business Insider, Breitbart, Washington Examiner, ABC News, New York Post, Florida Politics, Daily Breeze, Wall Street Journal, PoliticusUSA, Bloomberg, IJR, Fox News, Blaze Media, Newsweek, Associated Press, NBC News, Little Green Footballs and New Republic

Michigan Supreme Court rejects lawsuit to take Trump off the ballot

I think this is good idea, I will explain after the quote.

Via CNN:

The Michigan Supreme Court has rejected an attempt to remove former President Donald Trump from the 2024 primary ballot based on the US Constitution’s “insurrectionist ban.”

The outcome, which was generally expected, is a victory for the former president, though an effort to remove him could be renewed for the general election. Wednesday’s decision contrasts with the recent ruling from the Colorado Supreme Court, which kicked Trump off its primary ballot because of his role in the January 6 Capitol riot. That decision has been paused pending an appeal.


The Michigan Court of Claims judge who first got the case said state law doesn’t give election officials any leeway to police the eligibility of presidential primary candidates. He also said the case raised a political question that shouldn’t be decided in the courts.

His decision was upheld by the Michigan Court of Appeals, which said: “At the moment, the only event about to occur is the presidential primary election. But as explained, whether Trump is disqualified is irrelevant to his placement on that particular ballot.”

The order from the Michigan Supreme Court was unsigned, and the court did not release a vote count.

I know, I said that I would not be writing about Trump. However, this to me, is less about Donald Trump, and more about election law and the constitution.

The reason I believe that this is a good thing, not because I support Trump; I do not hate the man, I just did not like the way he acted, while he was in the White House. However, I feel that the voters should decide who wins the Primary election and not the courts.

I have never believed that the Government should ever decide election. Because that basically is federalized elections. Let the people decide, not the court. This is why I felt that the Supreme Court should have never gotten involved in the 2000 election, with Bush vs Gore.

So, for once, Michigan made a good decision.

Others: Townhall, The Hill, CNBC, Wall Street Journal, HotAir, The Daily Beast, The Messenger, Washington Times, Axios, Vanity Fair, NBC News, NPR, Bloomberg, Fox News, USA Today, Blaze Media, UPI, Breitbart, Reuters, PoliticusUSA, DNyuz, RedState, Raw Story, Twitchy, Detroit Free Press, ABC News, The New Civil Rights Movement, Semafor, Mother Jones, Michigan Advance, National Review, WFLA-TV, CBS News, New York Times, Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, Denver Post, Talking Points Memo, The National Pulse+, Election Law Blog and The Post Millennial

Why I am not writing about Trump

For starters, I did withdraw my support of Trump long ago. This was long before January 6 and the things that happened then.

So, if you see headlines like these here. I will not be writing about them.

I believe in Country first, and not Trump or Republican Party first.

Supreme Court makes a good decision for Black Alabama voters

I think this was a good thing for black voters.

The Story:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Thursday issued a surprising 5-4 ruling in favor of Black voters in a congressional redistricting case from Alabama, with two conservative justices joining liberals in rejecting a Republican-led effort to weaken a landmark voting rights law.

Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh joined with the court’s liberals in affirming a lower-court ruling that found a likely violation of the Voting Rights Act in an Alabama congressional map with one majority Black seat out of seven congressional districts in a state where more than one in four residents is Black. The state now will have to draw a new map for next year’s elections.

The decision was closely watched for its potential effect on control of the closely divided U.S. House of Representatives. Because of the ruling, Republican-led legislatures in Alabama and Louisiana will have to redraw maps so that they could increase Black representation.

Source: Supreme Court rules in favor of Black Alabama voters in unexpected defense of Voting Rights Act | AP News

As it has been said many times in the past, Politics — be it Liberal or Conservative, are an absolute reflection of our society as a whole. That being said, since the election of Donald Trump and his nuanced signaling of approval, towards the more hateful in our society; who are in fact, hateful toward Blacks, Jews and even other said minorities, there has been a uptick in more red states, such as in this case, Alabama — toward excluding those said people from the political process.

None of this is new, Alabama has a quite troubled history with racism and horrific treatment of its black citizens, dating back before the civil war. In fact, The United States of America fought a bloody civil war to end the horrific practice of slavery in Alabama and in other, now red states.  Now, we have Alabama Government which was and still is a big supporter of Donald Trump, who attempted to limit the black vote. This should be an embarrassment to the Republican Party; However, with the current leadership of the Republican Party, it is now. In fact, it is a source of pride, most likely.

The good part is, where in the past Blacks could not fight back against the systematic racial oppression. Now they can, and they did indeed, bring their case to the Supreme Court of the United States and they won, and won big.  Good for them, they deserve to be able to participate in the electoral process, just as much as the white man.

Now for those of you, who was see this posting and think that I am some sort leftist; I say to you — hogwash. I am full aware of the left’s nonsense. What with the foolish pursuit of the climate change agenda, and blaming of everything on it, from racism to smoke from Canada’s wildfires — is ridiculously stupid.  Not to mention the horrific critical race theory, which has its origins in the halls of the Frankfort School. I am also quite aware of the sodomite lifestyle and its proponents, which wish to indoctrinate our children with its satanic doctrines. I am fully aware of all of this.

However, it does not excuse the Republican Party’s and as a whole, the Conservative movements, satanic embrace of White Supremacy and the foolish approval of Conspiracy Theories, that has prevailed since the election of Donald J. Trump. Many years ago, people like William F. Buckley fought long and hard to run these sort of people out of the Republican Party and out of the Conservative Movement, for it they were labeled Neo-Conservatives, pied piper of the establishment and worse.

I am no William Buckley, But I am a Christian man, and I will speak out again this sort of nonsense, as long as I am able.

Others: Politico, Insider, Washington Examiner, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, RedState, The Root, Raw Story, CBS News, Associated Press, New York Daily News and NewsNation, The Messenger, The Leadership Conference …, New Jersey Online, Rolling Stone, Talking Points Memo and Arizona Capitol Times, The Hill, Alabama Reflector, Fox News, The Guardian, Washington Free Beacon, ABC News, Insider, USA Today, HuffPost, CBS News, NPR, UPI, Roll Call, Mother Jones, Iowa Capital Dispatch, Associated Press, Trending Politics Conservative, Kevin Drum, Joe.My.God., PoliticusUSA, Washington Times, Forbes, Just The News, New Republic and, Slate, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg and CBS News, NBC News, The Hill, The Daily Beast, Conservative Brief, Jezebel and Politico



Open Message to Rep. Comer and the House: Be careful!

Rep Comer and the House Republicans had better watch it. I’ll explain below.

The Story:

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) released a resolution Wednesday to hold FBI Director Christopher A. Wray in contempt of Congress for not fully complying with a subpoena. Comer said his panel would vote on the resolution Thursday.At issue is a document containing unverified allegations from a confidential informant about President Biden and his family. FBI officials provided Comer and Rep. Jamie B. Raskin (Md.), the top Democrat on the committee, with a briefing about the document on Monday, but Comer argued that is not sufficient.“

To date, the FBI has refused to comply with our lawfully issued subpoena and even refused to admit the record’s existence up until a week ago,” Comer said in a statement. “The FBI created this record based on information from a credible informant who has worked with the FBI for over a decade and paid six figures.

”Comer said the informant had firsthand conversations with a foreign national who claimed to have bribed Biden while he was vice president. The FBI has cited confidentiality concerns in not releasing the document.

Source: Comer releases contempt resolution targeting FBI director Wray – The Washington Post

The reason why I believe that Rep. Comer and the House Republicans should be careful is this: These allegations are unverified. One of the golden rules of President Ronald Reagan was “Trust, But verify.” If, by any chance that the house does get it’s hands on this document and there is an investigation into this accusations and they are found to be untrue —- this entire thing would blow up in the Republicans faces and would cost them the election in 2024 and would be a major setback to this Country, if Joe Biden was reelected.

The House Republicans need to stop playing politics with unverified accusations. Because it really could cost them and the Republicans in general in the Primaries and also in the General Elections.

Others: NBC News, The Hill, Washington Examiner, United States House Committee …, Just The News, New Republic, The Gateway Pundit, Raw Story, The Messenger, New York Post, Axios and TheBlaze

Here is a perfect reason why I do not vote Democrat anymore

Michael Gerson, who was speechwriter for President George W. Bush, during the time of 9/11, died today of Cancer.

The Story via Washington Post, where he was also a columnist:

Michael Gerson, a speechwriter for President George W. Bush who helped craft messages of grief and resolve after 9/11, then explored conservative politics and faith as a Washington Post columnist writing on issues as diverse as President Donald Trump’s disruptive grip on the GOP and his own struggles with depression, died Nov. 17 at a hospital in Washington. He was 58.

The cause of death was complications of cancer, said Peter Wehner, a longtime friend and former colleague.

You can read the rest at the link above. It is sad news, right? You would think that the Progressive left would at least show a little respect for the family of man who had just died, right? Well, think again. Check out what some idiot, named Eric Loomis at a blog called “Guns, Lawyers and Money” writes:

I was hoping it was autoerotic asphyxiation, but alas, it was cancer.

Now, to be honest, when I was still voting for Democrats, I actually read this blog. Thank God that I figured out what that party was really about and changed my political views. The sick part is that the people of that party, especially the bloggers, have gotten much more nastier than they were, when I was still reading their blogs and had my own blog back in 2006.

But, more to the point, what kind of sick, evil, twisted person would even write something like this, about someone, who has just died of cancer and not have a single shred of decency to possibly be that nasty and not have any regard of his family, especially his wife and kids? This sort of thought comes from a dark heart of pure evil. Sorry to say it. But, this man has serious issues.

Yes, I know, 9/11 was terrible. The Iraq War sucked, and was based upon what we now know to be false intelligence.  But that comment above about this man, goes way beyond just a political disagreement and being opposed to a war. This is a personal comment meant to hurt his family. This comment is just as immoral as the Iraq War was, in my opinion.

Even the Washington Post was at least respectful of the man, even if they did go out of their way to point out some of the doings of the Bush Administration. Heck, even Karen Tumulty was at least respectful of the man and she is a progressive herself.

I know that the Republican Party is not perfect and some conservatives make me cringe. (See Fox News Channel) But, at least they are respectful of others. As a said in the title, this is why I no longer vote Democrat. It is just is not my party anymore.