UPDATED: Alan Colmes should be fired for this

As much as I hate riding on their coattails. This bothers me.

Check out this video via HotAir.com:

Now watch this one:

AllahPundit, who I agree with quite a bit, says:

I don’t know where Colmes is getting the idea that they brought the baby’s body home to “play with it.” They brought him home because they wanted his siblings to understand that they had a brother who’d lived and died. Seeing him with their own eyes and having a few hours together as a family would bond them to his memory in a way that nothing else would. It’s not what most parents would do, but it’s not “crazy.”

I have to agree with that; Bloodthirsty Liberal says:

Let this be a lesson. We’ve all said things that turn to [bleep] the moment they leave our tongue. You just to have to own it and apologize. Colmes might have had plenty of material that was within bounds, but he was so tone deaf to civil discourse, it never occurred to him that it was, ahem, inappropriate to mock how a family chose to honor the memory of a stillborn child, much less acknowledge the monstrosity of his comment when challenged.

Fire Andrea Mitchel
l was not impressed either and quite frankly, as open minded as I can be; I found this to be very lame.

As I have written on here before, I am not too huge on Santorum for some very personal reasons. However, I felt this was totally over the top and highly uncalled for. For this, one thing must happen:

Alan Colmes must be fired from his job, once and for all.

How ironic is it, that now Rupert Murdoch and his lovely wife Wendy are now on Twitter. I think if everyone sent this link, that read this to Rupert and his Wife on Twitter with a polite, “please fire Alan Colmes” message, something could very well happen. It’s a long shot, but it is worth a try.

Again, I’m no Rick Santorum fan boy; but this….is just a bit much, even for this hard shell Baptist. 😡

Update: The Daley Gator says that Mr. Colmes is the Gilipollas of the Day — How very true.

Update #2: Mediaite is now reporting on this and it has become a Memeorandum thread.

Update #3: Smitty is reporting that Alan Colmes has reported that he apologized to Santorum. Sorry, not enough, he must go.

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