The Washington Post discredits itself as a untrustworthy leftist rag…..again

Bush leaves office, Republicans learn their lessons from it and what happens? Republicans get poo poo’ed for it. 🙄

PERRY, Iowa — A funny thing happened recently in the presidential campaign in Iowa: The last Republican president’s name actually surfaced. “We’ve had, in the past, a couple of presidents from Texas that said they weren’t interested in wars … like George W. Bush,” a voter said to Ron Paul, the Texas congressman who has been sharply critical of U.S. military entanglements overseas. “My question is: How can we trust another Texan?”

It was an odd, almost discordant moment in a GOP contest where Bush, a two-term president who left office just three years ago, has gone all but unmentioned. While the candidates routinely lionize Ronald Reagan and blame President Barack Obama for the nation’s economic woes, none has been eager to embrace the Bush legacy of gaping budget deficits, two wars and record low approval ratings — or blame him for the country’s troubles either.

“Republicans talk a lot about losing their way during the last decade, and when they do they’re talking about the Bush years,” said Jack Pitney, a political science professor at Claremont-McKenna College. “For Republicans, the Bush administration has become the ‘yadda yadda yadda’ period of American history.”

George W. Bush presidency barely mentioned in Republican contest – The Washington Post.

Bush has been out of office now, for what? Four years and the Washington Post so desperately wants pin the Nation’s ills on him. Never mind the fact that the current President’s policies have utterly failed and have made the Nation’s ill’s worse than they were when Bush left office — Oh, no! we must blame the evil Republican for the problems! Good grief. 🙄 No wonder the liberal media in this Country is failing left and right. 

I have read some moronic things in my day; but this one takes the cake — and folks, that is not partisanship speaking, it common sense; something that is seriously lacking on the left anymore. Which is why I left them in 2007. Taylor Marsh is right, these people are just moronic fools anymore, who are playing people like a fiddle. The sick part is, most of them are too stupid to even notice.

Seriously??!?! Blame Bush —- at this point? Come on. 🙄