Ben Bernanke needs to lose his job

This here is why:

(Reuters) – Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Friday issued a call to action to restore housing markets, saying depressed house prices and sales are a serious drag on the economic recovery.

“The state of housing has been an impediment to a faster recovery,” he said in remarks prepared for delivery to a home builders’ conference in Orlando.

“Because the troubled housing market continues to depress construction activity and employment, we need to continue to develop and implement policies that will help the housing sector get back on its feet,” Bernanke added.

via Bernanke urges action to heal housing markets | Reuters.

As I have written time and time again; “action” by Democrats is what put America into the shape that it is now. if anything, we need to the Government to get their darned slimy paws off of the private housing market and let it correct itself. Sure, pain will be felt; that happens in capitalistic society — deal with it.

This is what happens when you elect socialists into power, remember this come November.