Video: Andrew Breitbart at CPAC: I’ve got some major dirt on Obama!

This comes via AllahPundit:

Update: I should point out that Andrew Breitbart did discuss the dinner before.

To be fair, some of the tactics that Andrew talks about here; have been used on me in the past — by those on the right. I am not the only one either. Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan and the John Birch Society; not to mention this blogger here have been victims of it as well. I mean, I know she has said things, that even made me cringe. But is it really necessary to go all Saul Alinsky on her and me for that matter? Seriously. 😡

Further more, I disagree with the idiot notion that just because I refuse to back a moderate Faux Conservative, that somehow I am aiding the other side. It is a lame ass assertion and one I will not accept; not from that moronic nut-ball. I still have not gotten over that this asshole said about Ted Kennedy on the day he died. It was on twitter and it was ugly. I won’t bother linking to old post on the old blog; it was a whole ago and it’s old news.

Now, having said all of that; I would love to see those videos myself. The posting of them alone would be blog traffic Nirvana!