There was time when I actually respected Keith Olbermann

However, that time has long since come and gone.

You can head right over here and see as to why that this is the case.

Let me be very clear here; anyone and I do mean anyone that would try to either justify or obfuscate the fact that rapes occurred — that is the forceful and unwanted attempt to penetrate a woman’s vagina, by a man’s penis.  Anyone who does such a dastardly thing for the sole purpose of political partisanship is not worthy of respect, attention, or frankly — even a job at a broadcasting network.

Mr. Olbermann, there was a time in my six year career as a political blogger and self-styled political pundit, when I actually thought you were some sort of respectable character.  However, I have since realized that you are nothing more than some insignificant political hack, whose sole purpose is to be a “pivot man” in a far leftist circle jerk.  By the way, your underhanded slam of a Religious organization is also noted as well.  This confirms what I suspected all along, that you among the communist left are very much hostile to those who chose to practice religion. Something that anyone who fled the communist horror that was the Soviet Union can tell you was the case.

I will end this entry with this simple note of reflection on the Democratic Party.  It is no longer the party of Franklin D. Roosevelt.  It is no longer the Party of patriots who fought against tyranny in Germany and Japan; but rather a party of classless insignificants, who simply are interested in robbing those who have worked for their money and giving it those who have never worked a day in their lives.  It is no longer the all-American Party, that it once was; but it is now the Party of internationalists, who look at the great America through the lens of the international community.  The globalists won that party and wrung its controls away from the pro-American big labor unions that once controlled the direction of that Party and kept it focused on what was important, and that is the American worker and the American people.  Instead, the internationalists now control the party and the American workers get the crumbs of what they internationalists dare to give them.

I write this not to be glib, not to rejoice, not to mock or scorn — but to mourn.  Mourn for what once was and what has become.  Mourn for the party who once stood for something righteous and moral; but has gone the way of satanic influence.  Mourn for the Party that once stood for a Godly purpose, which is freedom; but has now fallen into the trap of satanic fascism.

Rest in Peace Democratic Party.  You will be remembered for what you were; not for what you have become.

Others: The Daily CallerMediaite, Hot Air