“World’s Greatest Blogger Weenie” says he’s a comin’ to Michigan

I thought I was done with this; but I was spying over at the weenies blog; and it seems he is venturing to Michigan:

My hope had been to attend Wednesday night’s debate in Arizona, but the travel plans didn’t work out. So the backup plan is now in effect: I’m renting a car and driving to Michigan, with a planned stop-over in Ohio. This should be the start of a two-week excursion that carries me all the way through Super Tuesday, March 6. I’m not sure exactly where I’ll be going during this trip, except that I hope I won’t be going crazy, which is what might happen if I sat around here for the next two weeks.

Because I am a fair man, and because I do have a obligation to do so; I will simply say this:

Mr. Weenie’s intentions had better strictly stick to his political activities here in Michigan. Because unlike a particular pony-tailed California liberal; I don’t hide behind a gated community and unlike that coward of a man, My family owns guns.

A few that are here in the house:

22 Long Rifle
.30-06 Rifle

(These are not actual pictures of these guns, they are kept in storage, because smart gun owners do those things.)

This is not a threat towards this man at all; however, if said man shows up at my address, which is readily available on the internet; I will exercise my second amendment rights to protect this family. I did not start this nonsense, but I will finish it, if I have to.

If anyone that knows said weenie, and comes around here to spy on my writings or whatever. They should really relay this message back to him.

That is all.