Sorry, But, this is a bunch of bullcrap!

Just a little more of a comment on the contraception debate, that I am trying like heck to avoid.

I happen to see this little entry pop up in my RSS feed reader. Now let me say this; I am all for freedom of speech, but when I see a writer over at The American Conservative Magazine write something, like what I have quoted below, I tend to get a bit ticked off.

If Limbaugh had cited Percy instead of channeling any random, dull-witted high school sophomore; then rightwingers like Dana Loesch and William Jacobson wouldn’t have had to waste their energy on lame attempts at damage control.

via The American Conservative » Lost in the Dithos.

Now, I have not the least clue who Clark Stooksbury is, nor do I quite honestly give two flips really; but this quoted above, is why I distance myself from the Paleoconservative right. Because they are in bed with the liberal left. I mean, seriously? “Right-Wingers??!”  that term being used on “The American Conservative?!?” Does anyone else see a problem with that, besides me?!?!

I guess one can expect this from a magazine that is quite known for its Anti-Israel and Anti-Jewish Bias.

Also too, yeah, I know, I have Rod Dreher and Daniel Larison in my blogroll; I did that because I happen to respect these gentleman’s opinions on politics and I happen to consider them true Conservatives. However, if all this magazine is going to do is continue to push out leftist bile of this sort on its blogs; I might actually have to reconsider that decision.

Upon further research, it seems that Clark Stooksbury is a blogger from Knoxville, TN and has been blogging since 2004. He must be one of those hicks from the south, who was against Bush. His blog is a leftist’s dream, with goofy colors and videos of Bob Dylan records playing. Some blog. 🙄

I will keep Rod and Daniels blogs in the blogroll, but I doubt I will be linking to @TAC anytime soon. I mean, calling mainstream Conservatives “right-wingers!?!” That is just asinine leftist bullshit and I am shocked that the editors over at TAC would even tolerate such tripe. I know if I was the editor there, I would tell this dude to get lost.