Special Comment: Farewell Twitter

Last night after one fight too many, after having my account suspended and then restored for the fatal offense of speaking my mind; I have done something that I really hated to have to do.

I left Twitter for good.

I have deactivated my twitter account, and I have left the platform for personal use for good.  I did create a new account for the sole purpose of dissemination of the contents of this blog.  However, I will not be actively using the platform any longer.  I will not be following anyone outside of news agencies and well-known public figures related to the subject of politics.  However, I do not plan to be a regular user of the service any longer.

The reason for this decision is this; twitter has become an open running sewer of sorts.  Twitter also has become a place where freedom of speech is chilled, and is even frowned upon.  The reason that I came to this horrifying conclusion is this: Last night, I happen to come upon a debate by the likes of a so-called libertarian, who is in all honesty, a Liberal turned Neoconservative — but, then again, I repeat myself — and a sworn liberal of the utter contemptible sort.

Now, the liberal of the contemptible sort, none other than a one Oliver Willis, who happens to be of African origins and is of the black race, is an utter piece of human excrement.  I could sit here and tell you of the utter lies, half-truths, and awful things that this awful man wrote about John McCain and Sarah Palin during the 2008 election, but this piece would go on for over one hundred pages.  Now, I am not talking about whether John McCain or even Sarah Palin were even qualified for the job of President or not.  This went well beyond that and was in league of that deranged homosexual Andrew Sullivan.

What happened was this:  Oliver Willis and a one, “Jazz Shaw” (he will not use his real name, as he is too much of a coward, unlike Me.) were debating whether Mitt Romney should release his tax returns or not.  Mr. Shaw (not his real name) was saying that The Democratic National Committee’s chairperson should also release her tax returns.  Somewhere in the middle of this argument on twitter, I stuck my nose in and made a remark about this Oliver Willis that would be considered politically incorrect.  I did this, because again, I find this man to be utterly contemptible.  The comment involved President Barack Obama, the male sex organ and Oliver Willis’s mouth.  Yes, I went there and I have no problems admitting it.

The next thing I know, I am being referring to by “Jazz Shaw” as a “racist dickbag” (his words, not mine.) and I was called an “a-hole” by this one Oliver Willis.  I responded to Oliver Willis in kind, a called him a word, that is considered to be politically incorrect by liberal and most neoconservative standards.  The next thing I know, instead of these so-called Conservatives rallying to my side and defending me; they start actually defending this bastard Oliver Willis and working on getting my twitter account suspended.  They succeeded in the short term, but I was able to reactivate the account rather quickly.

This is when it hit me; twitter is just not a good place for someone like me, not anymore.  When twitter first started out, back in 2007, it was a great place to hang out and enjoy one’s self.  Since that time, Twitter has been become overrun with neoconservatives, awful liberals, speech Nazi’s and a cesspool of utter trolls, ready to pounce on the first unsuspecting person.  Simply put — twitter is not a place I would honestly recommend to anyone anymore.

Therefore, I deactivated my account, and uninstalled all of the twitter apps on my iPod touch and will not be using that idiotic platform any longer, except as noted above. I do wish I could say that I honestly could recommend twitter to anyone, but after last night; I would never ever recommend anyone to that awful place — nor will I ever.

To end this piece, I have a message for Twitter Inc.:

First, as a good friend of mine, James O’Guinn would say, “It has been real, it has been fun — but it has not been really fun.” Secondly, please, change your banning feature.  Suspending an account in this manner is amount to speech Nazism.  It is prone to abuse and has been abused by many in the past.  Because of this, I am stopping using your service for personal use.

I know my comments were not well received by many, but twitter users should have the right to block what they do not wish to view.  However, twitter users should not be permitted to disable my right to freedom of speech.  This is a libertarian concept, but as I know; the founders and employees of twitter are not libertarians, they are socialists and Marxists, who believe that freedom of speech is subjective and should be controlled.  Not that I feel entitled to express my views on a private service, but this sort of squashing of free speech is quite unnerving.

Because of this — I have disabled my account and other for the reasons of blog promotion — I have left twitter.