Clint Eastwood on his Appearance at the RNC Convention: “Mission Accomplished”

I have to like a guy like this:

AFTER A week as topic No. 1 in American politics, former Carmel Mayor Clint Eastwood said the outpouring of criticism from left-wing reporters and liberal politicians after his appearance at the Republican National Convention last Thursday night, followed by an avalanche of support on Twitter and in the blogosphere, is all the proof anybody needs that his 12-minute discourse achieved exactly what he intended it to.

“President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people,” Eastwood told The Pine Cone this week. “Romney and Ryan would do a much better job running the country, and that’s what everybody needs to know. I may have irritated a lot of the lefties, but I was aiming for people in the middle.”

via Eastwood says his convention appearance was ‘mission accomplished’.

He goes on:

Eastwood is a liberal on social issues such as gay marriage and abortion, but he has strongly conservative opinions about the colossal national debt that has accumulated while Obama has been president, his failure to get unemployment below 6 percent, and a host of other economic issues. 

“Even people on the liberal side are starting to worry about going off a fiscal cliff,” Eastwood said.

So true. Eastwood is no “go along to get along” either, he has stood up to both parties in the past. Good show Mr. Eastwood, good darned show. 😀

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