Videos: Clips from last night’s President Debate

As I told you, I did not watch the entire debate last night.

But, clips are coming out…..and boy are they good. Romney looked Presidential, even Reagan-like. No wonder Chris Matthews was losing his mind! Not only did Romney destroy Obama’s talking points, he spiked the football in the Democratic Party end zone! 😯

Here are some of the clips —- so far:

Here is Romney on Government picking winners and losers: (H/T HotAir)

On the Role of Government:

Here is Obama defending ObamaCare and the IPAB:

If I come across more, I’ll share them here, but so far, Romney’s got this sewn up. Judging by the snap polls and the reaction of the left; Obama does not stand a chance to win at all.

Stay tuned for updates.

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