Farewell and thanks for the fish

I guess Bill Quick cannot take a joke or he thought I was attacking him; which I wasn’t I was simply attacking those who say ADHD is somehow a myth:

The last person who tried to punch me in the balls I put in the hospital.

Stacy McCain was right about you.

You’re done here.

via ADHD and Your Humble Correspondent | Daily Pundit.

Mr. Quick, no big deal, you never sent me any traffic anyhow.

As for McCain, I will defer commenting on him. He’s entitled to his opinion of me. As I am of him as well.

Furthermore, anyone who requires someone who register to make comments, is a bit of fascist in my book. I never require registration here.

Farewell and thanks for the fish.

Update: In case anyone has any trouble believing what I say, here are the screen-caps:

My stats, click to embiggen…
My referrers and Bill sent me how many? 3. Oh Well…
yesterday’s referrers. 4 from Bill Quick! Big whoop!

I got more traffic from that idiot atheist over in flint.