A good example of why congress and house members, and staff should always be ARMED

See below:

Some protesters dropped trou to launch a protest at House Speaker John Boehner’s office in the Longworth House Office building in Washington.

U.S. Capitol Police public information officer Shennell Antrobus confirmed: “three females arrested for lewd and indecent acts in the Speaker’s Longworth office. Demonstrators disbursed that area.”

This is an office across the street from the Capitol Building. The speaker, who has a plush suite of offices in the Capitol Building, never works in the district office, so he wasn’t privy, as it were, to the privates.

via Naked Protesters Occupy John Boehner’s House Office – ABC News.

If these staffers had been armed with guns, this would have never happened.


It’s unclear why the naked women were arrested, but the naked man in the picture was not.

Let’s see here:

Because he was black, most likely. We do have a black President you know.

Again, armed staff would have stopped this; most liberals when they see guns, tend to flee the scene.