Some advice for Keith Olbermann

You know what the sad part about this story is, that I honestly used to respect this man in a big way. I am referring, of course, to Keith Olbermann. I know, it sounds crazy coming from a Conservative blogger; but, yes, I actually used to a respect this guy. As it says in my bios, long and short, I was a skeptical left of center type. I never was really a fan of Bush and Co. I felt, then, which was in 2006, when I started blogging; that Keith Olbermann’s commentary on Bush’s handling of Iraq was very much on point. In fact, my calling my original written pieces “Special Comment” is a direct influence of his, as Keith Olbermann and, ironically, Lou Dobbs were the main figures that inspired me to start writing again, after a long hiatus since my childhood.

Then something happened somewhere in the middle of 2007, MSNBC and Keith Olbermann went into the tank for Obama, in a big way. It was at that point that I decided that I could no longer watch the man. It should be noted that this also coincided with me giving up on the Democrats.

Now we have this: Keith Olbermann, one of the biggest Limousine liberals on the planet, is now complaining that Donald Trump is a supposedly a bad property owner:

Okay, Donnie, you win.

I’m moving out.

Not moving out of the country — not yet anyway. I’m merely moving out of one of New York’s many buildings slathered in equal portions with gratuitous gold and the name “Trump.” Nine largely happy years with an excellent staff and an excellent reputation (until recently, anyway) — but I’m out of here.

I’m getting out because of the degree to which the very name “Trump” has degraded the public discourse and the nation itself. I can’t hear, or see, or say that name any longer without spitting. Frankly, I’m running out of Trump spit.

It gets better, Keith wails, while counting his money:

There could still be enough idiots to elect Trump this November. Hell, I was stupid enough to move into one of his buildings. But here in those buildings, even as I pack, is the silver lining hidden amid the golden Donald trumpery.

One day Trump appeared in person and, with what I only later realized was the same kind of sincere concern and respect that Eddie Haskell used to pay “Beaver” Cleaver’s mother, asked me how I liked the place and to let him know personally if anything ever went wrong. About 15 months ago, when the elevators failed and many of the heating-unit motors died and the water shut off, I wrote him. He sent an adjutant over to bluster mightily about the urgency of improvements and who was to blame for the elevators and how there would be consequences, and within weeks Trump’s minions were obediently and diligently installing — a new revolving door at the back of the lobby.

That three-week project stretched past three months, smothered the lobby in stench and grime, required the repeated removal and reinstallation of a couple of railings, and for a time created a window frosting problem even when it wasn’t cold out.

He goes on to use the above silliness to make a very silly point or shall I say, political dig; that it would take forever to get a wall built at our southern border. This is simply a childish attempt a score a political point with the opposing team. This reeks of childish, third grade antics.

Please note, dear reader that this blog entry is wrote by someone, whose financial situation is not the best; is writing this blog entry. Anyone who has come here running an ad blocker knows to what I am referring. So, before anyone hollers, “Class warfare!” Keep this in mind, please. Now that I have gotten that little disclaimer out of the way, let me proceed to my next point.

What is being lost here or at least, seems to be lost on Keith Olbermann, as he does seem to have a great lack of self-awareness — is that Keith Olbermann actually has to the means to live in a building like Trump Towers! Now to be clear, Keith Olbermann earned his success, he started out as a local sportscaster at a local TV station, he slowly, but surely, worked his way up to where he is today. Nobody handed it to Keith on a silver platter. He worked for all of it. I have no quarrel with that at all. At some point, while at MSNBC, Keith was given the chance to take over the show “Countdown” on MSNBC, which afforded him some very good success in the field of broadcasting.

Unfortunately, the success went straight to Keith Olbermann’s head. I read the news reports of Keith Olbermann being outright abusive to his staff, acting like a child, when he did not get his way with the management over at MSNBC and finally being let go from the Network entirely. Then Keith lands a job at Al Gore’s Current TV, gets a show there, with the same name, and then ends up being fired from there, for the same reason as his firing from MSNBC.

This obviously points to an ego and to someone who has forgotten where he has come from and has forgotten where he started and, what it actually means to have to work for a living. Put simply: Keith money and success had caused him to become out of touch with the rest of the working class people in America. This is a very common trait among those, who are wealthy Democrats.

Now having said all of the above: I offer some kind advice for a one Keith Olbermann — Shut your mouth, Pack your things and find somewhere else to live and do try to avoid bringing anymore sort of embarrassment to your political party and to your own self. Because frankly sir, there are many of us, of the plebeian sort, who find your complaining of your posh surroundings quite humorous and ironic.

Other Bloggers writing about this: John Hawkins’ Right Wing News, CANNONFIRE, Raw Story, Mediaite and TVNewser, Pirate’s Cove