On last night’s debate

A lot of you are probably wondering why I haven’t written about the debate at all.

The truth is folks, I am still very much burned out on politics and writing in general. In fact, I am dictating this blog posting using voice to text and WordPress for Android and the voice to text feature on my phone. (except for a link insertion)

Now, you can go here and read all about the debate; who won, who lost and all that sort of stuff. Me personally? I could quite frankly care less about it.

Ever since the big let-down in 2012, I’ve become pretty much skeptical of any conservative or republican candidate being elected in an election. The reason why I say this it’s because it seems that Republicans and some conservatives have become masters of putting their foot in their own mouth.

Also too, let’s just be real folks Donald Trump has a lot of freakin baggage to plow through and to carry to get to be the president of the United States.

It is my understanding from what I have read some of the prominent supporters of Donald Trump that Donald Trump did not take the opportunity to nail Hillary like he should have. This could cost him in the election; because some people may see him as weak in the face of adversity.

On the other hand, if Donald Trump was too Fierce with her; he would have been called a bully and sexist and misogynistic. So, it’s a case of damned if you do and damned if you don’t in this situation.

I also have this bad case of cynicism when it comes to Donald Trump and his ability to fight back against the global elitists or the globalists, as they are called and to bring back a sort of nationalism in this country.

Hillary represents that establishment and that group of people. I just have this gnawing feeling that those people are not going to go away quietly into the woods and that they are going to fight him with everything that they have; money, media…. everything.

I may sound like the world’s greatest pessimist. But, I happen to be a realist and I have been around for 44 years; and I know the political game pretty well and I know that these people don’t fight fair at all and what they cannot prove, they will float as a lie and get people to believe it and Donald Trump could very well lose.

I really hope that I am wrong, but something tells me, that I am very right.