Once again, I've been dropped by Memeorandum…

I was on there, and now the site isn’t scanning me, again.

Ah well, The site really isn’t that important. I do get traffic. but the referrals are nice. I just do not think that it is fair to pass me up. just because I do not write a novel, when I comment on the top day’s stories.

I just figure that if you cannot convey your thoughts in 3 or less paragraphs, you don’t need to be a writer.

Of course, there are those that think that Memeorandum and it’s sister sites promote blogging snobbery. Which it kind of does. But it has existed before Memeornadum ever got started.

I’ve learned, since I’ve started blogging, that if you don’t suck up to the right people, and I’ve been blogging since February of ’07, you will be basically ignored by the general Blogging public. I am not a suck up, hence my Blog traffic.

It’s sad too, Mr. Gabe has a great site, he just excludes many people, good writers. because they won’t suck up.

It sucks, but such is life.