A message from your host….

Just a short note, so my readers will know what the hell is going on around here. Initially, I signed up for a crapload of ads for the Blog here. I ended up pulling them, because the banners were just too stinking huge.

Anyhow, I am going through my list of advertisers that I have available, and I’m selecting stuff, that I think would be of interest to political Blog readers. I am also looking for small, non-intrusive ads. 

I do this full time, so, clicking a link and possibly buying a product helps me out a great deal, also, I have the donation tab, if you enjoy this place and would like to help out a full time, unsigned A.K.A. unemployed writer out, feel free, I’m verified on PayPal, meaning I can accept any donation amount and trust me, any amount helps.

Believe me, when it say this, I hate begging, I don’t do it as a rule, it’s lame. I’m not some sort of a socialist idiot wanting to live on the hard earned dollars of those who are doing well for themselves. That’s liberal stupidity, I don’t believe that anyone who’s better of than me, should have to give up their money for people like me.

I look at this Blog as a business venture. I’ve ran a small business, in my day. The beautiful thing about a small business is a lack of a big overhead. I’m not Salon.com or Slate.com, it’s just me.

I would also like to bring on some other writers, that way it’s not all about me. I do not want right wingers, who are going to repeat the lines of the Republican Party. I want real world writers, people who can critically look at both parties and write articles that are not too liberal or too conservative sounding. I want right of center of guys, who aren’t sold out Republicans or Democrats, Centrists is what I prefer.

I would also like to move this Blog to WordPress or something comparable, I prefer WordPress, it’s just easier to use. I just cannot afford right to pay for hosting out my pocket. Domain’s are not cheap either, I’ve noticed they went up as well. they’re going back up to $10.00 a year now.  Again, it’s up to my readers, if they think this blog is awesome enough to justify to donating, so be it, I won’t refuse any donations.

Either way, I will continue to provide you all with the kind of real world Political Opinion, without the spin and hype, that is found on most of the other blogs in the Blogosphere. I will continue to speak my mind and say what I am feeling, without fear from others being offended or trying to paint me as something that I am not. I did this, when I had next to no readers, and I will continue to do so. I will not venture into Blog wars, I did this once and I ended up saying things that never should have been said, it caused hatred and anger and that’s just not what I am about. I try to mind my own business and if people have a problem with what I write or think, it’s on them, and I’m just not going to worry myself about it.

Anyhow, I thank all the new people stopping in here, where ever you came from, I hope that you will either bookmark the site or sign up for an RSS feed and continue to come around, comments are also welcome, I do moderate them, to keep the trolls out. But I usually always approve all the comment, unless they’re insulting, profane, or spam. Otherwise, I’ll allow them.

Again, I thank everyone for coming and I assure you, the best days are just ahead. We’re heading into the General election and I will be here Blogging all the news, all the angles, and without spin or Bias.

Let’s go, shall we? Big Grin

Your Editor,
