Okay… Here's the deal…

I know what many of you are thinking…

“WTF did Paleo-Pat do to his Blog?”

Here’s what happened.

For one, I was not very happy with WordPress. For some reason, I just cannot find a damn template that reflects what this Blog is all about.

I also seem to have moved to a hosting server, which will not allow WordPress to accept or send out, trackback pings.

I dunno if it’s a software bug or this hosting server got a oddball set up or what, but it’s fucking deaf, when it comes to incoming pings and trackbacks. I am pissed about it, But right now there’s fucking zero I can do about it.

Update: I guess it does work.

Anyhow, I thought I’d try a move to MovableType, believe me, when I say this. It was a fucking nightmare! 😮 I’ll never try that again, that’s for sure! Egad. It’s nice, but I could not figure that stuff out, at all. Hell, I could not even get it to work, I FTP’ed it, got the dreaded 500 Error. Internal server error. I did try to fix it, and nothing worked.

So, luckily I was smart enough to grab my entries and various other stuff via the export tool. Well, when I saw that the Moveable type was not going to work, I retreated to WordPress. Well, in the process of coming back, I had to widdle my import file down to 8 megs, so, some of the newer entries here are basically, “Down the memory hole”…

I will say this much, thanks to Ryan, who hooked me up with some awesome hosting, that poor kid puts up with a lot, and with me, that’s saying a WHOLE BUNCH!. 😆

So…. for now, until I find a nice template that knocks me socks off. It’s the damn default template and limited ads here. I might just keep it like this. If I like it.

Update: I found one, it’s not really want I wanted. But it beats the shit out of default. 😀

So, I’m back… for the time being.
