
I am writing you all, because I am frustrated.  Frustrated because there is a situation that there is nothing that I can do about. 

Today, at 5:00 A.M. this morning, my Dad’s oldest sister died of an apparent Heart Attack.  Her name was Margaret Mahan.  (Her Maiden Name is Margaret Adkins).  She had a rough life.  Honestly, outside of my Dad, her family quite honestly did not give two flips about her.  She married, to a scum of a man, his name was Tom, who beat her and mistreated her only son, to the point of trying to drown the boy, when he was five years old.  Finally, after a couple years of marriage, Tom left one day supposedly to go to the store.  Tom never returned.  The family found out much later in life that Tom had been in and out of several psycho wards.  Tom showed up, in a wheelchair.  He did not stick around long, after his wheelchair fraud was foiled by a family member who caught him walking.

Therefore, now, Margaret is now dead, a pauper.  Oh, she will get a 15-minute memorial service, with no casket, and just a simple picture on a stand.  There will be no formal funeral, and she will be buried in a pauper’s tomb, with five other people.

Where do I fit into all this?  It is my family; I am the son of my Father.  I was the kid, who was supposed to be the person who was supposed to go to college, really make it big in life and get rich and help my family.  That never happened.  Because of this, she will die, treated like anyone else in her position.

I did not write this to hit you all up for money.  Even I am not that much of a shameless fool.  I wrote this to vent, vent because my desire to help my family and my utter inability to do so.

Do with it, what thou wilt.

-Charles Adkins


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