Donations needed

I’m just writing a little entry asking for Donations.

My mouse is acting up. It has been for a while now. I just haven’t had the heart to ask for donations.

So, if you could spare a few bucks. My Tip Jar is in need of filling.

How to donate:

Paypal, Which you can see to your right over in the side bars

Amazon, which is right below it. or Revolution Money exchange.

What will you get in return? You’ll get the good feeling of knowing that you’re helping keep the Independent Conservative Media afloat. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I do not read the script of the Republican Party. I criticize the McCain Campaign as much as I do Obama. I’m just not one of Rupert Mudoch’s Puppets, nor am I a Podhoretz stooge either. So, If you’d like to support a true Libertarian Leaning, Paleo Conservative Blogger. Click the links to the far right.

Thank you so much, in advance, for your generosity,

Your Host,
