Hey Buddy, can you spare a dime?

I have been meaning to post this entry all day. But have been putting it off. Because, frankly, I hate having to ask.

I am in need of donations here. I do this full time. I have no other means on income. I have no had a job since 2005. A failed career change and tough times here in this state have really affected me.

If you are someone who reads this Blog, even if you do not comment, and you like what you read here. Please, donate. No matter how little and how big, donations are gratefully accepted here.

I do not ask for them often, but knowing that some of you out there like my work enough to donate to the cause, makes running and writing this Blog much more rewarding.

Just so let you know, because of my daring to shove the race baiting of the far left back in their faces, I did lose a few advertisers. Including one that paid half way decent. I mean, the Liberals didn’t break me. But the little money was nice.

Anyway, if you can give, please do so. Every little bit helps and I thank you as always for your loyal and faithful readership and I promise to never let anyone of you down, with my straight opinions and honesty.

Thanks again,
