More Stupidity from the comments section

(Please note: This posting was made BEFORE I knew about this here…. That is all…)

As you all know, I moderate the comments section on here. Mainly because I would like a Blog that isn’t full of Liberal stupidity.

Here’s a funny one:

Author : Michelle (IP: ,
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“Of course, the best that useless Marxist Magic Negro can say is”

You a racist?  What would make anyone say that? Was Obama on the street coner?  What the Hell did you expect his campaign to say?  Didn’t I read somewhere that he is dealing with the very real possibility that the woman who raised him is dying? Please don’t be a bottom feeder.

At the risk of sounding like Mark Levin, I would expect that idiot liberal to at least pay for the young woman’s medical bills, even personally call her and express his sorrow for the attack. But did Barry do that? No! Best he could do is issue some rather lame statement through his fucking campaign!

As for your allegations of racism. Don’t make me laugh. I’ve got black friends and white friends and friends of other races as well. But even if I were a racist bigot, isn’t my constitutional right to be a racist? Am I not a free American? Since when did it become a fucking federal offense to happen to not care for a particular race? The truth is, it is not or has it ever been, or will it ever be, unless some stupid idiot liberal manages to pass a piece of legislation outlawing the disliking of over races. Which in that case, they’d better arrest all of the Latinos and Blacks up in Washington D.C., because from what I saw on a special on CNN, there is a group of them in Washington D.C. and there’s a street, I believe it was 150’th street, that Latinos don’t cross and blacks don’t either, they stay on their respected sides, otherwise a war will break out.

Of course, because I’m white, I’m convenient for the blacks to target. Seeing how it has worked for years. That’s what keeps Al “Interloper” Sharpton and Jesse “Hymietown”  Jackson in business.

As to the socialist idiot who left the comment, my advice to you is, if you don’t like what you read here. There’s plenty of Liberal Blogs out there to read. I don’t force anyone to come here. That’s why the sign on the door says “Moderate Libertarian Opinion”. This is an Opinion Blog, of whom, it’s owner thinks socialism sucks. You might want to look that up.