Oh Noes! Amsterdam to close many brothels, sex shops

Ya know? It just gets where a man cannot enjoy a good piece of butt and a joint, without some politician getting in the way.


Amsterdam unveiled plans Saturday to close brothels, sex shops and marijuana cafes in its ancient city center as part of a major effort to drive organized crime out of the tourist haven.

The city is targeting businesses that “generate criminality,” including gambling parlors, and the so-called “coffee shops” where marijuana is sold openly. Also targeted are peep shows, massage parlors and souvenir shops used by drug dealers for money-laundering.

“I think that the new reality will be more in line with our image as a tolerant and crazy place, rather than a free zone for criminals” said Lodewijk Asscher, a city council member and one of the main proponents of the plan.

Interesting article….however you get down to this quote here:

“It’ll be a place with 200 windows (for prostitutes) and 30 coffee shops, which you can’t find anywhere else in the world — very exciting, but also with cultural attractions,” he said. “And you won’t have to be embarrassed to say you came.”

The Jokes write themselves sometimes. 😀