A Word on the passing of Michael Jackson

This is one of these kind of postings; that I absolutely HATE having to make.  Because, frankly; I am quite emotional and slightly annoyed. 😡

I, like many who grew up in the 1980’s; have been following the Michael Jackson death story. I’ve intentionally been detached from it, because I felt much of it was morbidly sick. However, it is worth noting that the man was an icon, in his day.

Yes, I know all about the accusations of child molestation; I also know that there is two sides to every album, so to speak.

As much as I have a deep hatred of the Identity Politics, that a quite predominate in the African-American community; as much as I know that Michael Jackson’s music conveyed a message of Liberalism. As Much as I know that the man was not of the “normal” status. I also know, that Michael Jackson was a human being, and he was not treated like one, not by the media, not by the American populous, not by any damn one, at all.

I did not watch the entire Jackson Memorial, as, again, I was quite detached from it all. But I happened to catch the end of it; When Paris, Micheal’s only daughter tried, ever so bravely, to speak to the crowd at the memorial, only to collapse into tears and into the arms of her uncle.  When I saw that, I gasped aloud and said, “My God in Heaven…..”

Anyone; irregardless of your political persuasion, that would look at a video like this and make a snide comment, as far as I am concerned; does not deserve the air that exists in their lungs. Michael Jackson was a human being, he was a father to this young lady and now, he is gone and she will have to carry that around with her for the rest of her life. The one’s who make the comments, in their little perfect worlds will be never, ever have to live the living hell; that this little lady will have to endure for the rest of her life.  The reason I bring this up, is because when I go to places, like this place here and I see awful snide comments being made, I honestly have to ask myself; “How do these people sleep at night?”

You can watch that video, by clicking here.

God Bless You, Paris. May you find the Lord’s comfort in your time of despair.