Bob Parks responds and beclowns himself badly.

Bob Parks, the so-called Republican, who is really a Black Racist Bigot; has responded to my accusation of him being a Racist, and in the process made himself to look like quite the fool.

Parks, taking a break from his admiring himself in the mirror writes:

Those of you who’ve been here for the long run know that I’ve gone out of my way to not make B&R a “black” site.

Then why did you name it “Black and Right” for then, Einstein? Why was not it named, “The World According to Bob”, or “Bob’s Thoughts”, or something that, instead of the racial identity laden “Black & Right”? That is because you are hung up on the whole “black identity” issue; something that is very common among African-Americans. This is not to say that I hold that against Bob. He has a right to do that, after all; We White people did use his people as slaves for over 300 years. But that is hardly the trait of an Conservative. Real true Conservatives abhor any sort of identity politics. That is unless your Neil Podhartz or Willaim Kristol. (I know Parks is just gonna love that last crack)

Mr. Parks goes on:

As far as the “retard” piece goes, I was citing a provision in the health care bill which uses that demeaning term. In seeking out a quick pic to place on the post, I found the pic in question after conducting a brief Google search.

Chuck Adkins, AKA Paleo Pat (why the alias, I don’t know) of calls me a racist asshole because I picked a white kid as the one I posted and linked to. To be quite honest, choosing the proper race of the kid was something I never considered, but I also don’t remember seeing any pics of black, mentally handicapped children. I don’t know if that was because black people can’t afford cameras, chose not to place pics they had online, or just aborted children they knew would be abnormal at the prodding of Planned Parenthood.

Wow, When Bob cannot win the argument, he resorts to personal insults. Which is quite typical of people of his ilk. To explain, Pat or Patrick is my middle name. I already had a account at Bob’s Blog, from commenting there long ago. Plus, Bob; seeing that he cannot win this point, resorts to playing that Black Victim card! Again, typical from someone of his ilk. But hardly becoming of a true Conservative.

Bob continues:

But I guess in Chuck Adkins’ mind, blacks can only use pictures of black handicapped children should that be the topic.

I would have preferred to see that, seeing that this is a Black website, despite your rather lame attempt to obfuscate that fact. But I will concede one point. I looked and could not find any pictures of Mentally Handicapped black babies either. So, that one you are correct about.

Bob Goes on:

Also, he went off on my calling

American Idol auditionee Alexis Cohen a “troubled” young woman.

If she hadn’t been killed last weekend by a hit-and-run driver, would Mr. Adkins have had a problem with her video rant? If he was/is a true conservative, yes he would have, as she spouted off the very language that would be found enlightening in liberal circles. If the issue of making a statement about her too close to her death was an issue, would Chuck Adkins have a problem with my saying that the late Obama bin Laden’s son (who was killed by a Predator drone last week) was “troubled”?

To be quite honest, I watched about a minute of the video, I found her standing there yammering on, to be quite annoying. Which brings me to another question, why could any self respecting Conservative even watch anything like that, at all? As for the Bin Laden comment, I would preferred to see Osama, Not Obama; Bin Laden’s son, along with his Father killed eight years ago, when then President George W. Bush started Military action against Afghanistan. But instead, President George W. Bush; being the Wilsonian President he was, acted upon a piece of bad intelligence, took us to war in Iraq. Which had zero to do with September 11’th. Before you call me a liar Bob, The Bush Administration said that they were wrong.

Obama Bin Laden…… Shame on you Bob! 😉 😀

Bob goes on to justify his attitude by saying that he has Blogged about people of color. Which hardly excuses what he wrote in his original Blog posting.

Let me also say this. It is not lost on me, that Bob is a Social Conservative, and quite possibly a Conservative Christian man. Which again, leads me to ask, why was he even watching a nasty video like that in the first place? I will admit, my “Conservatism” is more of a Fiscal one. The whole Conservative Christian/Evangelical Right nonsense, is just that; Nonsense.  Mainly because it is chalk full of hypocrisy. Sarah Palin, I am afraid; was a classic example of that.

Bob ends by saying:

I’ll not be lectured to and/or accept being called a racist by someone who hasn’t mastered the use of Spellcheck, who’s using my name to score him some hits, and clearly knows little about this site.

Wow, insulted all because I am human. Obviously Bob did not read my “about me” section very closely at all, or he would have seen, that I have A.D.H.D. and sometimes, I make mistakes. As for spellcheck, that is a baseless accusation. I spell check everything, before I hit publish.

As for Bob’s Accusation that I am using him for hits. Check this out:


Which as of this update, went up, but I am hardly using Bob for hits.

Wow, as of this screengrab, my posting of truth telling about Bob, Grabbed 24 hits. The one of me ripping on Liberals for mocking Sarah Palin, grabbed 247 hits……and you were saying Bob?

Look the point I was making here, is this. Bob’s tone toward that young white lady was quite condescending.  Had a White Conservative writer like me, written something even remotely in the tone that Bob did; and that person would have been black.  I would have raked over the coals from one end of the political spectrum to the other. That is because there is a horrific double standard in this country. It saddens me, that Bob here, is a part of that double standard. But yet, he is a Conservative. That is, if you actually believe that.