here we go again!

Well, here we are again. Running a Blog. You knew I could not stay away from this for very long, now did you not? Yeah, me too. I wanted to quit. But I just couldn’t! I just needed to get away from that silly domain. It was killing me; too much work, not enough pay and plus, that blog had become something of it’s own parody. Plus, I just needed to wipe the slate clean and start over.

So, yeah, this is a new start. I’ll be writing, but more honestly, and bit less like what I was before. The REAL me. Less and more me. Ya know? I hope you get that.

This is sort of an offering for those who follow me over on twitter; and if anyone else happens to wander by, then all the better. So, yeah, I’m back. I need something to do; and this is easy.

So, off we go….again….