Two reasons why I will never vote Democrat ever again

When I first saw this, I thought it was a joke; turns out, it is not.

The first is from Sean Hannity’s radio show:


Audio verbate: Senator Rand Paul (KY) on the Sean Hannity radio show Nov. 9, 2011:
P:Sean can I make it up to you by giving you a scoop, that maybe people don’t know yet?

S: Yeah what you got it
P: I have news straight from sources close to the SuperCommittee that the Democrats have walked away from the table and they’re refusing to talk to the Republicans about a deal and they will not counter any offers and basically there’s an impass and it’s starting to look like they don’t want any deal at all.
S: This was all being telegraphed by Chuck Shcumer yesterday, I am sure you saw it on TV
S: They want to say that because Republicans will not raise taxes they are rigid. THat we are not going to have a deal on teh economy.I think the democrats are just gonna be happy gutting the defense department, which is part of this deal.
P: And the truth is quite the opposite the republicans have offered tax reform that lowers tax rates and closes loopholes.The president talks about millionaires not paying their taxes, we are trying to close some loopholes, but we want to be part of tax reform. We have offered a serious credible offer, but bascially they have walked away from the table.

The second one is even worse…

This one comes via Real Clear Politics: (H/T to HotAir Headlines)
The transcript and story:

“Countdown” contributor Markos Moulitsas critiques the press conference Herman Cain held to explain the sexual harassment charges against him. Comparing Cain’s handling of this scandal to Obama’s response to the Rev. Wright situation in 2007, Moulitsas says, “The way [Obama] responded to it with his race speech was presidential material. You looked at that and thought, ‘Okay, he can handle a crisis.’ Now you look at Herman Cain and you’re a Republican – you say, ‘Can he handle a crisis?’ He’s hiding behind his lawyer. I don’t think that really bodes very well for him.”
Moulitsas: What really worries me is that you’re starting to see signs from social conservatives, who are starting to say ‘ugh, maybe this guy isn’t the kind of guy we want to nominate.'” And, if I’m a conservative, that’s the part that’s going to bother me, because if I am conservative I think sexual harassment is no big deal. That’s why I’m not a conservative.

It is because of stuff like this here; is why I left, “The Left.” This goes well beyond politics, this is just straight up partisan nastiness. My answer to this is, I suppose Anthony Weiner was a choir boy? Of course, the liberal left claims he was set up, which is, of course, wrong. However, I wanted to point this out; it is the absolute alternative reality that these idiots live in, is why I left that part and that mindset.

I mean, do not get me wrong; I am all for helping the poor and am all for maintaining some sort of middle class — but this sort of stupidity right here is not what I call helping anyone or anything at all. It simply makes the liberal left in this Country look like the utter mindless fools, that truth be told, they really have become in the last 30 years. Anyone with any semblance of a brain would know that this sort of nonsense would have never, ever flown 30 years ago.  However, in this day of age of anything goes, this sort of thing is permitted; which is why I no longer vote for that party.

Others: The Gateway Pundit, The PJ Tatler, Business Insider and Fire Andrea Mitchell!