A message of goodwill

As someone who feels that politics has become a bit too polarized and hateful; I want to send a message of goodwill to a blogger across the political divide.

It appears that a progressive blogger has had a health scare. From the Blog Rumproast:

We have a sad and urgent message about our dear friend and Rumproast blogger StrangeAppar8us: for the past ten days, he has been hospitalized and fighting for his life.  He is stabilized now to some degree, but is on a long, difficult road about which nothing is certain but that it will include disability. We wish we could tell you, our wonderful readers and friends, more, but we are committed to honoring Strange’s privacy, which is also the wish of his family. The day after he was hospitalized, I flew to Pennsylvania, accompanied by his friend and Rumproast founder Kevin K. and his lovely wife. Marindenver is here with him now as well.

We will be doing everything we can for Strange, including setting up fundraisers and putting together his work, but for now we have an immediate need for homes for his three cats, most likely permanent homes, though I hope with all my heart someday he may be reunited with at least one. They are all seven years old, spayed and neutered, and I am hoping he may get one back someday, but we have no idea if that will ever happen.

Sometimes in the zeal to defend what we believe in, we lose site of what is important. This is important; politics is a thing that I write about, it is not who I am. I am not so locked into a partisan mindset that I do not care about the well-being of others. There are some on the right that would use this as a chance to smear the “limo left” as I call them; I will not do that, just because I do not believe that it is the time or the place for that.  

There is a time for politics and there is a time for real life; this is one of those times. Your health is everything and when that goes, it is over. I wish “StrangeAppar8us” all of the very best and for a strong and quick recovery. I hope that there are homes of the kitties found; yes, I will confess, I too, have a fondness for cats and other such little furry animals.

Some might consider me a faux Conservative for saying things like this. To them I simply request that they find the shortest pier that they can find and take a long jump from it. This is not about partisanship my friends; this is about humanity and grace. It would be abhorrent of me to say anything other than what I have written.

Again, I send my prayers and best wishes to “StrangeAppar8us” and his family; and to the many friends of his in the progressive blogosphere.

Others: Balloon Juice and Zandar Versus The Stupid

5 thoughts on “A message of goodwill

  1. Pat, thanks for expressing your heartfelt and compassionate wishes for Strange. It is truely inspiring to see genuine Christian sentiment when so many have forgotten what it means to be a decent human being. rickD

  2. Mrs. Polly,I treat people the way that I would hope people would treat me. The Bible does say that you do reap what you sow. Thank you again…-Pat

  3. Pat, this is Mrs. Polly. I am so gratified and moved by your post. That grace and kindness is something you and Strange would have in common, as well as your mutual love of cats. Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts. As Strange-who is an ever-polite Ohio boy originally, would say, I am very much obliged. Blessings on you.

  4. What a lovely post, Pat. Thanks. FYI, it looks like I'm going to be adopting one of Strange's kitties. If there's anyone else in this area who would be willing to take the 2 boys, I can coordinate the pick up and delivery.

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