Farewell to a intellectual great

I am coming out of my self-imposed hiatus to bid farewell to someone whom I disagreed with greatly.  I am referring to the passing of the avowed atheist Christopher Hitchens.  Admittedly, I disagreed very highly with his denial of living God; However, I admired his stance on Muslims and their desire to overthrow of American and western values.  Not only this; the man was absolutely an intellectual giant.  Something that is much lacking in the Conservative and even Christian circles of this day and age of dumb-downed society.    
I believe the man should be respected in this sphere of existence for his refusing to back down from his political and personal philosophies.  His rejection of the existence of a higher power is one that will be remembered and admired by some.  It seems so unfair, that someone of that intellectual caliber would be taken down in such a horrible way.  I will not, unlike someone on the Christian right, use this as a terrible opportunity to slander the man to advance a Religious agenda.  There are some, that would partake in such high school style of idiocy and I will simply use the words of the risen Saviour of the World, Jesus Christ; “They have their reward.”
I wish nothing but the very best to the Hitchens family, especially to his Brother; who must be going through hell right now.
Rest in peace Hitch; you genius bastard you.