A Reminder: February 14 Starbucks Appreciation Day for Second Amendment supporters

Thanks to InstaPundit for the link:

There are just 13 days left before Valentine’s Day, when both sides of the gun control debate square-off over lattes. On one side, the National Gun Victim’s Action Council is promoting a February 14th boycott of Starbucks; the Seattle coffeesmith allows firearms on its premises (where it is otherwise legal to do so). On the other side of the issue, gun blogger Sebastian devised Starbuck’s Appreciation Day on the same day. Thousands of gun owners have pledged their participation, promising to spend a $2 bill at Starbucks to show their support for the company’s common sense position. The $2 question: should the TJ go in the barristas’ tip jar or should we use it to pay for the coffee? Your thoughts?

via Starbucks Appreciation Day Update: Tip Jar or Till? | The Truth About Guns.

Now to figure out where the nearest Starbucks is around here!

Wait minute….Isn’t that where all the smelly liberals hang out?!?!? 😮

The things we freedom loving people must endure. 🙄