More of the mess that America created in Iraq

As many of you know; I was initially was for the invasion of Iraq back in 2003, at the time; like most people, I was under the impression that Iraq had WMD’s. Well, like most people, I was very wrong about that impression, after it came out that the United States was never able to find said WMD’s. Having said all of that; here is the mess that United States of America created in the invasion and removal of Saddam:

In the latest attack, a series of bombings and shootings across the country on Thursday killed 55 and wounded more than 225. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed responsibility for the attacks.

In a 33-minute audio statement posted on an extremist website, al-Adnani warned of an impending “stage of real confrontation and war against the despicable (Shiites).”

“The war of the Sunnis with the (Shiites) is a religious war, a holy war of faith,” he said, according to a translation of the remarks provided by the SITE Intelligence Group, which tracks Islamist extremist messages. “There is no way out of it and there is no swerving from it.”

His comments played on fears of a new surge in sectarian violence two months after the American military withdrawal from Iraq. Attacks are nowhere as frequent as they were during the tit-for-tat sectarian fighting from 2005 to 2007.

Tensions between Sunni and Shiite Muslims have lingered for centuries since Islam split into the two sects after the death of the Prophet Muhammed in 632. In Iraq, the minority Sunnis have feared being politically sidelined since the overthrow of Saddam’s Sunni-led regime.

via Al Qaeda In Iraq Warns Of Looming War With Shiites | Fox News.

First of all, I thought we defeated Al-Qaeda in Iraq ? Did I not see this huge celebration in the blogosphere and on Fox News, about how our Military defeated Al-Qaeda in Iraq? I guess not. Of course, I really do know what happened; before some liberal starts saying that I “saw the light” or something silly like that. What really happens was this; we never actually totally defeated Al-Qaeda in Iraq, we set them back a bit, by killing their leader and cutting off a good amount of their funds from other countries.

Of course, like the termites that they are; they recovered, possibly by funding from Iran or by elements of the corrupt Iraq Government that we put into place; and now they are attacking Shiites. Which is why George W. Bush did not want to leave the Country so quickly, in the first place. This not say that I did not or do not support the boots on the ground; I support our Military in anything that they do. This is because they are just doing their jobs. Now, as far as the politics of said operation is concerned; I thought that once the specter of WMD was out of the question; we should have just left. This was before Al-Qaeda in Iraq ever was formed at all. In fact, Al-Qaeda in Iraq did not set up shop in Iraq until like a year or so after the invasion!

Either way, all of that above that I have written in that second paragraph is now past history and there is no point in griping about the past. It is over and it happened and now we have to deal with what is coming down the pike now.  I look for the United States to end going back into the Country Iraq, again; to stop this War. This most likely will not happen under an Obama administration, unless he absolutely has to; because it would hurt him politically. However, if a Republican does win, I could see us going back into Iraq again soon. For the Country’s fiscal sake, I hope we are able to avoid going in there again. Getting in the middle of wars of this sort only gets the United States in trouble with the international community. Like Vietnam and Korea, us going into these Countries to settle disputes, often fails and fails badly.

Sometimes I think Joe Biden might have actually been right. Maybe he should have just walled of the city and given one part to one group and another part to the other group. Maybe this sort of stuff would not be happening now. It is just a thought, I mean, I would rather deal with two separate Countries and they be peaceful ones, than to deal with one huge waring Country.