Israel will not strike Iran in coming weeks, will give diplomacy a chance.


“I am not standing with a stopwatch in hand. It is not a matter days or weeks, but also not a matter of years. Everybody understands this,” Mr Netanyahu told an Israeli news programme.

Mr Netanyahu has hinted Israel could resort to force should Tehran – which denies suspicions it is covertly trying to develop atomic bombs – continue to defy major powers’ diplomatic pressure to curb its nuclear programme.

“We would be happy if this thing is resolved peacefully, if Iran decides to stop its nuclear programme,” he said. “To stop it, to dismantle its facility in Qom, and to stop enriching uranium. I will be most happy, I think all Israel’s citizens will also be happy.”

via Israel won’t strike Iran in coming weeks, Binyamin Netanyahu says – Telegraph.

I think everyone who supports Israel and happens to read this, ought to say a small prayer; that this works. For America’s and Israel’s sake.