Thoughts on Rosie O’Donnell’s heart attack

I happen to read with interest this morning about Rosie O’Donnell having a massive heart attack. I am fully aware that Rosie’s politics and mine are polar opposites, and in a free republic that is perfectly acceptable. However, I do feel the need to say the following, because I happen to know that soulless cretins exist within the Conservative ranks. Therefore, let me say the following: Heart Attacks and Heart related health problems are very serious matters. No one that would make light of this sort of thing is, in this writer’s opinion, a patriotic American.

Rosie O’Donnell might have many issues —- her enormous mouth and stage presence being just a few — not to mention her idiotic “shiny pony” take on politics. However, her health problems, specifically her now discovered heart problems are most likely not her fault at all. Coming from a lineage of heart attacks and stroke outs, I know of what I speak.

Politics is one thing, real life is another and this little news story should give all of us pause and remind everyone, that we are all just one loused up heartbeat and clogged artery away from the grave. I think all Americans — Left, Right, Center, Conservative, Liberal, Republican and Democrat — ought to stop and give pause and give a little prayer of thanks to the mighty deity above that we are not wheelchair bound, blind, deaf or without normal mental capacity. The truth is that most Americans take all of those things for granted, for this, we are a worse off Nation.

If by chance, you are a woman, and you happen to be in prime heart attack candidate territory, as Rosie said, get checked. Because heart attacks are no laughing matter, and yes, they can be fatal. Contrary to what you might actually think, we humans are not perfect and our bodies do louse up every now and again and do stuff like fail. Unlike the big banks and auto companies, we cannot restart our bodies. We only get one shot at life, and if we screw that up that is it, we get no second chance. Therefore, it would be wise of all of us to be smart and stay healthy.

My best wishes to Rosie and her partner, for many more years of good health.