The straight dope on Me and Alex Brant-Zawadzki

I am posting this entry for the benefit of the those who might be searching and might want to put me into cahoots with the left.

This is my total involvement with Mr. Alex Brant-Zawadzki. I wrote a few blog postings here recently, about some people in the blogosphere.  On one of them, Mr. Alex Brant-Zawadzki showed up in my comments section. Anyhow, he came here and left a comment; and surprisingly did not break any rules. I knew he was a Democrat, and I was civil and fair to him. This is how I treat anyone who comments on this blog. My treatment of people who comment here is not partisan based at all. If you can come here and not troll and act like a “richard-head.” I will give you a fair shake.

Yes, I am fully aware of what Mr. Alex Brant-Zawadzki has written around in various places; I also know what has been written by others, about him. For the record, I do not, as they say, “have a dog in the fight.” Personally, I think it is all a bit silly, if you ask me. But, again, that’s politics and that is why I tend to just keep to myself anymore.

Let the public record show, that I did not divulge any information that I would not yell at the top of my lungs on the street corner. Mr. Alex Brant-Zawadzki did write me an e-mail or two, and I wrote him back. If you really must know; I did ask him, if he could get me a writing gig over at Huffington Post. I wouldn’t mind blogging there. Heck, everyone else has, and I have been writing since 2006, I figured, I have earned my dues out here. Mr. Zawadzki told me he would try to talk to someone about it. Although, between you and me; I doubt anything will become of it.  Besides that; I like having my own site. Blogging there, would be, well, someone else’s site.

So, there you have it, the God’s honest truth about what happened with me and this fellow. I did this, before the fault finders start accusing me of stuff that never happened.

All the above is the absolute truth, so help me God.

-Charles Patrick Adkins



8 thoughts on “The straight dope on Me and Alex Brant-Zawadzki

  1. P.S. You wanna know what this gentleman emailed me about? The dastardly, conniving, insidious conspiring in which we evilly engaged?

    He emailed to make sure I wouldn’t track any of my Huffington Post godless progressive filth all over his site (I’m paraphrasing but not kidding).

    I responded to say that I knew better, and added that he really shouldn’t be polite to me.

    He responded to my response by thanking me for my concern, and noted that I was the first leftie to comment on his blog and not be an asshole.

    There. Perhaps that will slake the blood-thirst of some vicious, ignorant jackals.

    I apologize for any strife your tolerance of myself has caused you, Mr. Adkins, and I’ll take my leave now. Anyone wishing to respond to or attack me can reach me at but I will not comment on this blog again.

  2. I think calling me a straight dope is a bit of an oversimplification, but technically it’s accurate.

    My mind is numbed at the apparent necessity for this post.

    Witness the downfall of reasonable political discourse. Observe as rationality gives way to savagery. People can’t deal with the intricacies of recognizing their opponents as fellow human beings and must demonize them into some sort of Beauvoirean “other”.

    If anyone is going to attack Mr. Adkins for deigning to speak with me, grow the hell up and get some perspective. I’m your enemy. He’s just guilty of being tolerant, understanding, polite… hmm, what’s the adjective I’m looking for? Oh. Right. CHRISTIAN.

    And for the record, I can’t even get myself a blogging gig at Huffington Post these days. For some reason they won’t post any of my Ali Akbar/Bill Murphy/National Bloggers Club reporting. Turns out all my contacts there have moved on to bigger and better things.

    1. Amazing, isn’t it, how quickly the pressure comes down on any conservative blogger who dares to question the leadership of the Great Akbar and his cronies?

      Mr. Adams, thank you for being honest.

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