The Saturday Night Music Express Presents: Jimi Hendrix

I have made it no secret on this blog and my old one; that I am, in fact, a die-hard Jimi Hendrix fan. A good part of who and what I am today is because of this man’s music. The biggest thing that I learned from Hendrix and his music was to never accept what is told to you. Always question everything; and believe you me, I do. 🙂

Are you shocked? 😉 😯

This is from 1970. This Jimi live at the Isle of Wight Concert. This is the Movie Presentation of “Wild Blue Angel”.

Please note: If you have a nice sound system or headphones. This would be a good time to put it or them, on and turn it up. 😀

Jimi Hendrix, more than anything else — was the sound of 1960’s America. He set the bar and everyone else tried like heck to sound, look and play like him.

Enjoy the music and enjoy your weekend.