Changed the look…..again

I figure before this is over with, my readers are being be ready to strangle me. 😉

But, seriously, I decided to go back to this theme. It’s bright, it’s easy to read and it is quite pretty; I think so anyhow.

As I wrote about my last theme change, I am not looking for the real “American-y” look. Because that tends to send a few messages that I do not support. However, I think the content here will show what I am — not to mention my sidebars.

Last time I ran this theme, it wrecked havoc with my server. I believe they might have fixed the problem. I hope so anyhow! 😯 We will find out. 😀

So, yes, another new theme. This time, 3 columns and the left one actually scrolls. (Why they did that with Ari, I will never understand. 🙄 )

Enjoy the new theme, and pray my server does not flip out.