Is Michelle Malkin taking 40K from a Black Panther supporter?

If this is true, Michelle Malkin should be not allowed back on Fox News and should be shunned by the Conservative World for good.

Please, check out this blog posting here.

Update: I thought I would add a wee bit more to this; so that people outside of the Detroit area would understand this better. Matty Moroun is EXTREMELY EVIL, NASTY, ANTI-AMERICAN MAN!!!! The things that he wants to do, would be absolutely destructive to the city of Detroit.  

Behold, one of his properties that he REFUSES to do anything with:

Michigan Central Station in Detroit. Guess who owns this? Matty does!

This is Michigan Central Station one of Matty Moroun’s many properties. He refuses to do anything with it; and it is an HUGE eyesore in Detroit. This is the same turkey that wants to build a NEW bridge in Detroit?!?!

…and Michelle Malkin is taking money from him. Disgusting. 😡

Please note: I am not a big fan of the blogger that I linked to, for some very good reasons; namely one, she threatened me once and stabbed me in the back. However, I believe the story to be a legit one and I think all clear-thinking conservatives should follow Malkin’s advice and “Let sunlight be the best disinfectant.” If Malkin is doing this, she should be forced to answer for it.