No Thanks, I will stay single

Some idiot thinks that marriage is the answer.

I’ve written before about my feelings on marriage. Mainly, it is my issue with the feminists or Femi-Nazis, as I like to call them.

Either way, the way that they are training woman nowadays; I’d rather spank it and look at porn. Surprise I know, it sounds horrible to say that, but it’s less headaches. Plus too; who the heck honestly would want to try to bring a child into this perverse world that we live in? I mean, honestly, would you?

Not me, thanks. I’ll live the single life; and be quite happy, thanks.

Again, I know it sounds horrible; but in this day and age, it is reality and I am quite the realist. I am pro-life and I support those who do decide to get married. But, it is just not for me and I do not like being lectured on how horrible I am for not getting married. I have been known to tell a preacher or two, to go get bent for trying to. Angry

I want to live my life, like I want to, not like some religious zealot wants me too. You know, like these people?