Added Texas Fred back to my blogroll

I was just a cruisin’ the web here tonight and I happen to surf over to one of the best bloggers out there. Texas Fred.

I have known of Texas Fred for a very long time; I stumbled over him “back in the day” as the young people say today. Back when I was still a skeptical left of center, way back in 2006 —  when I was still blogging at “The Populist,” which was my very first blog. I came across Fred’s blog via the “Blog’s for Borders” group which Fred and myself were a part of, at one time.  Which reminds me; as soon as I hit publish, I am going over to that site, and grab the small banner and stick it somewhere on this site and let Bill know that I want back on the blogroll. Hopefully, He will let me back on there.

I remember the first time I came across Fred; I thought, “Wow! What ornery old S.O.B.!” and at first, I got a little mad. 😡 Then as I sat there, reading that blog, I just smiled, I thought, “Ya know, this old feller reminds me —- of myself.” 😀 I particularly liked his, “I don’t take no B.S. from nobody!” attitude, which reminded me of myself.

I didn’t agree with everything that he believed in — then — and I told him so, as nicely as I possibly could. He was respectful, in his own way and thanked me for agreeing with him on the border issue. I still feel very strongly about all that and I hope like hell that Mitt Romney actually does something about it!

Anyhow, As I sit here and think about it; I have blogged and interacted with people like Fred for 7 years now. That’s a long time in the blogging world. How things have changed. People have left, a Rockefeller Republican left office and was replaced by a Marxist and it now, hopefully; about to be replaced with, hopefully, decent Conservative Republican. Some might disagree with that last part, but, hey, I would rather have to contend with a little statism, than have to deal with a Marxist.

Hopefully, if Fred reads this, he will add me back. I invite you check out Fred’s blog, he is a real patriotic American, just like me. 😀

Update: Well, that was quick. Seems Fred’s got some sort of personal problem or something. I don’t take to kindly to being personally insulted.


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