How to make Femi-Nazi’s cry

A great article on that here.

Oh, and yeah, I know where I linked to. I figure, I supported a moderate conservative candidate and what’d that get me? Nothing. Look where we ended up! Getting beaten.

So, you know what? I am retreating back to the safe zone of radical traditionalism and paleo-conservatism. Although, I will be honest with you; I believe the Paleoconservative right is living in the past and fighting a losing battle. The idiot Neoconservatives, together with the neo-left are going to destroy this Country. So, I’m done with them.

Don’t get me wrong, this is not about hatred and bigotry. I won’t link to stuff like that, but I am not going to persecute others, in the name of moderate Conservative thinking, if all they are going to do is continually screw us over.

I figure because I don’t kiss up to the neocon blogosphere is why I am ignored. That and because I do identify myself as a traditionalist Christian and don’t do ID politics, left or right.

So, if some yarmulke wearing idiot or some chicken eating affirmative action conservative gets peeved because I link somewhere, screw them. I’ve got better things to do than try to please protected minorities.