Special Comment: Yes, I support and Stand with the Nation of Israel

Some of you might have noticed that new header image on the blog. This is not an accident, this is intentional and I intend to leave that image in place until the end of the warfare between the terrorist group Hamas, which occupies the territory known as the Gaza strip and the sovereign Nation of Israel.

I want it to publicly known, I am not a Jew, nor do I have any Jews in my family. However, I am a 30-year Christian — although, I admittedly am not very good at it, here as of late — but I digress. Because I am a Christian and I am quite familiar with the Word of God, that being the Holy Bible, more specifically the King James Version of the Holy Bible, that being the preserved Word of God for the English speaking people. I happen to know that Israel is God’s Land and that he promised it to his people, that being the children of Israel.

Let me say emphatically that there is absolutely no middle ground in this issue at all! Either you are on the side of God or on the side of Satan, Israel are God’s land and no amount of man denying that fact, or men denying the existence of a Holy and Righteous God will ever change that face. One cannot called themselves a blood washed son of the living God, that being Jesus Christ and have a Switzerland-like attitude towards Israel, Gaza and Palestine, it cannot be done and those who do it are in horrible sin against the Lord.

I have tried that stance and I now realize that I was very wrong for it. Because of this, I am putting my full-throated support behind Israel. The prosperity and freedom of this Nation is tied directly to the support and freedom of Israel. It is in the Bible and if the United States gives Israel the cold shoulder, I assure you all that this Nation will pay a horrible price, spiritually and economically.

I realize that some of the Conservatives out there may feel that I have become a neoconservative or a warmonger. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am still not a supporter of Wilsonian foreign policy and I do hope the United States to remain out of the conflict between these two Nations. I do hope that the United Nations or some other Country can stop the fighting and somehow convince Hamas that pursuing this course of madness against Israel is not wise one.

However, because I am very familiar with history and because I do know how Hamas does business — what will happen is this, Israel will disable Hams ability to fire weapons. Then, the United Nations or some Country will get more foreign aid to Hamas. Hamas will then turn around and use that money to acquire more weapons and fire them on Israel again. This is how it has worked for ages.

The correct solution is this; Israel needs to destroy Gaza, Hamas and the people in Gaza and if Palestine has a problem with it — destroy Palestine as well. However, Israel will not do this, Israel will continue to play this silly and quite idiotic “cat and mouse” game with Gaza and Palestine repeatedly. This will continue until the appearance of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who will go to war with the armies of the World at the battle of Armageddon, which is spoken of in the book of Revelation in the Bible.

In closing: To the believers in Christ, do not be troubled by any of this, as it is spoken of in the Bible. This battle is acceleration, of many, towards the day of the final showdown, between good and evil, which is spoken of in the Bible. We shall be victorious saints, as will Israel and Christ will reign in that Holy City Jerusalem once again!