About the new ads

I realize some people might not like the new ads. I am fully aware that there are some people on the left who seem to believe that capitalism is somehow or another evil and that I should never make money on what I write.

I got one thing to say about that:

You try living for 6 years without a job and tell me how the heck it feels.

I am not going to sit here and live like a pauper, because some asshole far-leftist with an attitude decides that ads on a blog, is somehow contributing to some corporate monster or something stupid like that.


Popups??!?! Aaaaah!

I know, I do not like them either, but you know what? I do not see many people tossing coins in my tip jar. PayPal buttons are there and I, so far, have gotten nothing. So, screw it. I am going all pop up and every darned thing. Maybe if enough people get annoyed with the pop-up ads, maybe they will start tossing some paper in the donation can. Also too, I don’t wanna hear no bullshit about how the fuck I sold out to the money either. Ain’t like I am getting rich on this bullshit. I do this stuff, because I ain’t really got shit else to do.



Update: I decided not to go with the pop ups. They are tossing URL’s that made my virus software go crazy. Which is not a good thing. I really don’t know if the threats were legit or just my over sensitive virus software; either way, they’re history, that is, if I have gotten the darned things disabled in the mode. Hopefully, I got all that disabled.


Way I see it, y’all e-mail me all the fucking time and tell me how good I am doing and how much you love this fucking site. The start putting in my tip jar or deal with the fucking ads!

Anyhow, there it is, my explanation about why I got all these ads. Not like I owe anybody any damned thing anyhow. I do this shit to amuse myself, not to please any of you.


Update #2: I also wanted to update this and say, this: Yeah, the language in this piece was harsh. I was in a bit of grumpy mood. My sleeping habits have been a bit strange. I’ve tried my darndest to get straightened out. It has been an ongoing battle for a while now. Hence the language. So, if anyone was offended, I apologize, it’s nothing personal. I just wish the side made more money, that’s all.

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