Why would you ever need an assault rifle?

Some food for thought….:

Why do I need an assault rifle you ask? I don’t need it for hunting. I don’t need it for home protection from a single invader, or even two. So I echo the sentiment of many gun control advocates; Why do I need an assault rifle, with a high capacity clip no less?

Here is why. I need an assault rifle because I live under the rule of a government who thinks it has the right to take away my assault rifle; a government who dictates who I can marry, what I can eat, drink, and smoke; a government who uses force to take my money away from me, who charges me rent (property tax) to live in my own home: a government who commits acts of war without the consent of the people, who murders it’s own citizens witout probable cause or due process; a government who has monopolized the currency with which I can trade my goods and services, then devalued that currency through inflation and taxation; a government which uses the tyranny of democracy rather than the freedom of a republic.

Rest the rest at: Why do I need an assault rifle? by SnakePit — The Daily Paul.

Interesting. I have no opinion one way or another on this one. Personally, I would only want to own a handgun for personal protection. But, I believe if one should want to own a firearm of this sort, they should be able to buy one and own it without some sort of hassle from the Government.

(Via Freedom’s Phoenix)