FYI: Freinds do not let friends donate to Jim Robinson’s

I feel the need to report this to everyone who reads here and to those who happen to read over the forum known as FreeRepublic.Com.

I have been a member there for a while and I even donated $5.00 to their fundraiser. Well, today, I went over a posted on a local story here about a Neo-Nazi who got nailed down in Ohio for Weapons and other such stuff.

Anyhow, I go back to later on and this is what I see:

Posting privileged removed, no warning, no second chances, nothing at all. This was AFTER I donated $5.00 to his cause!

This was after I donated to his cause, see here:

Is this how Free Republic treats those who donate to their cause? Seems a bit shady to me. Either way, I’m blogging on it, so that other Conservatives can be aware of Jim Robinson’s actions.

I really do not know what I did to deserve my posting privileged being revoked. But, they were, and really for no reason, other than maybe I was not Conservative enough for them or whatever. I think all Conservatives ought to be really leery of donating to

4 thoughts on “FYI: Freinds do not let friends donate to Jim Robinson’s

    1. Yeah right. 😉

      Actually, it was what I could actually afford at the time. Contrary to popular belief, this site is not raking in the dough. My hits around here have been low.

      Not only this, but this is not the first time, that I have heard this happening. I have read other places about’s strange ways about them. Either way, I am not too worried about it. They are who they are, but I wanted others to know just how dirty they did me. With me, it boils down to principles. I gave to honestly help those people out, and I got banned from post in return. So, I am letting other people know about it.

      I knew you were kidding Mike. But I did want to set the record straight on that one.

      Be well,


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