Gay Bashing at Little Green Footballs?

Go read.

Looks like it to me. 😯

Update: I made this statement because I thought the photo was an underhanded swipe at Greenwald’s sexuality and I said so.  Now, it seems that Johnson is calling me “mentally disturbed.”  I wonder if Johnson knows that he can be sued for making such inflammatory comments in a public forum? Remember guitar-boy, I can and will use lawyers, if needed. 😡




2 thoughts on “Gay Bashing at Little Green Footballs?

  1. Johnson’s the biggest crybaby on the internet – sees threats, real and imagined, everywhere. A never-was who owes everything he has to the work of someone else!

    1. Oh I know! This is the same guy who threatened to sue, because of comments made about him in the comments section. He’s an asswipe and he knows it. He could also be sued for calling me mentally disturbed too. I have access now to fully free legal services, because of an organization I now belong to. I should get one of their lawyers to send Johnson a nice letter.

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