Tragic News from the trucking industry

This is so sad:

A former employee at Pritchett Trucking Inc. based out of Lake Butler, FL went on a rampage on Saturday the 24th killing three people and wounding another before turning the gun on himself. His victims were his boss and coworkers at the trucking company.

The gunman, 72-year old Herbert Allen Jr, had retired from his job at Pritchett Trucking only a few days prior to the shooting for unknown reasons. Before he started his rampage, he left a note in his home with a list of five names on it and wrote that “these people deserve to die.” He traveled around the small town of about 1,500 people, tracking down the people on the list and shooting them.

He first went to a location owned by his former boss where he shot and killed 80-year old Marvin Pritchett who founded the company back in 1980. While he was there he also shot and killed 28-year old former co-worker Rolando Gonzalez-Delgado. He then drove to where another former coworker was driving a farm tractor on the road, had an argument with him and then shot him in the arm and side with a shotgun. The victim, 66-year old Lewis Mabrey Jr. is in good condition at the hospital.  His last stop was at his old company headquarters where he shot and fatally wounded 44-year old David Griffis.

After shooting Griffis, Allen returned home where police found his body after an apparent suicide. Authorities have not revealed who the fifth intended victim was.

Locals, including members of his family and the local police department were shocked by Allen’s actions. He had never been in trouble with the police before and he was described by a sheriff’s deputy as “laid back” and “law abiding.” The deputy also said that in such a small town, everyone knew each other.

via Shooting At Trucking Company Leaves Four Dead.

So sad. 😥 Prayers for the families of all involved.