Modified the blog’s look a bit

I don’t know if anybody’s noticed or not. But, I changed the blog’s look just a little bit. You might have noticed an extra column was added. This was the result of me adding a new child theme of the Twenty-eleven theme that I am running on here.

I think it makes things look much better. It does widen out the theme just a bit and it also gives me an extra side bar for all my stuff that I have in my sidebars.

I hope you like it. I know that I do I’m pretty much satisfied with the overall look of the blog. Some people might think it looks a bit corny with the American flag and the Statue of Liberty in the header. However I think that it represents our country and being an American Nationalist, offer no apologies for the look at all.

Again, I hope you enjoy it as I hope you enjoy the blog as well. Thank you all for your dedicated and loyal readership those of you that actually do read here.

Best to you all!

The chief cook and bottle washer around here