Must be nice

Must be nice to be able to legally extort that kind of cash out of someone like that.

The story:

Roger Ailes’ secrets command a heavy price. Last week, the New York Times reported that Fox News had reached an out-of-court settlement with Brian Lewis, the former Roger Ailes aide who was abruptly fired in late July. A Fox News executive with knowledge of the negotiations told Gawker that Lewis was paid approximately $8 million in hush money.

“The big talk at work, especially today, is the settlement number,” the executive said on Friday, explaining that the exact figure had been filtering through the channel’s rank-and-file since early November.

The settlement came after an extraordinary, months-long confrontation during which Fox News accused Ailes’ former right-hand man of vague “financial irregularities,” and Lewis’ attorney angrily responded that Ailes had a lot to lose if Lewis ever spilled the beans on their 17-year-long partnership at the right-wing network.

via Fox News Paid Fired Executive $8 Million to Keep Quiet.

Sometimes I think John Edwards was right; there are two Americas. The one America, where honest people like myself, could not get a break in the writing world, if I tried. Then, there is the America where shlubs like this guy here, who after being in an position of being trusted by a network; decides to tell what he knows and then makes out like a bandit.

I am not complaining, I could be in a much worse way than I am now. But, it sure does strike me as being asinine. Liberty and Justice for all? it’s more like bribery and extortion for those who decide to take money from the right people.

Others:  CANNONFIRE and Politicomore at Mediagazer » (Via Memeorandum