Crybaby Republicans?

I hate to be a jerk about things… But, the whining and crying of Republican right and the Conservative right is getting to be a bit much.

I mean, could this be the new symbol of the Republican Party?

The New logo of the Republican Party?

I am saying all this, because I read, with some level of amusement about this blogger’soh so horrible heart wrenching tale” of losing his so precious insurance to the horrible marxist negro president! (yes, that is sarcasm….) The video, which is here; is so damned phony and sappy; that it borders parody.

I wrote this before; but it bears repeating:

It just gets old. I mean, Republicans have no right to complain about this Obamacare debacle. It is their fault that we even have this disaster on our hands. If they had actually selected a candidate that could have actually won the Presidency in 2008 and 2012; and not had a Republican who basically was traitor to the party, who voted for the bill —- we would not be in this spot in the first place.

The way I see it; the Republicans ought to just man up, suck it up, pay for the insurance and shut the hell up and next time, not choose someone who cannot win an election. 

I hate repeating myself; but using one’s medical problems as some sort of a bumper sticker of just how damned horrible the President’s healthcare law is, just strikes me as freaking lame. I mean, the Republicans and Conservatives said the same thing about John Edwards and his son; so, I think it is high time that Republicans actually started following their own advice. 

In other words, send the damned medical bills to John McCain and Mitt Romney; they own a few houses, they can pick up the tab! 😀

Related Music:

Yeah, I know, I know... I am an a-hole. But Jesus… the whining is getting to be a bit of old hat. 🙄

Update: I thought I would add this before the hate brigade comes after me. I have not worked since 2005 for anyone else; other than writing on all the blogs that I have written on, including this one. I have NO medical insurance at all — none, zero, nada. My parents have to foot my medical bills. So, when I hear some conservative griping and whining about losing his insurance, I have to laugh! Try not having any at all, asshole! 😡

Again, just pay your higher premiums and quit your silly belly aching about it! You stupid rich, elitist idiot! 😡

Edited to Add: Those of you calling me a leech. You expose yourselves as the elitist, out of touch, douche-nozzles that you truly  are.  You would rather me not have any sort of treatment for my A.D.H.D. , Diabetes and High Blood Pressure;  you would rather that I just die off and not be a burden on my parents; who by the way, don’t have a problem helping me out. For what it is worth, I will be calling Monday and seeing if I can sign up on Michigan’s expanded Medicare program. Hopefully, I can get on it. So, yeah, no thanks to Bush and Obama’s handling of the economy; I am getting State Government healthcare, that you rich, out of touch elitist neoconservatives will be paying for.  Way I see it: You all should be paying for it, seeing your boy, Dubya screwed our Country into the ground for 8 damned years. Not only that, but the democrats did with Granholm as well. I will take the handout, thank you very much. There are no jobs here, at least not for people like me. So, I will take my dole, I paid into it for many years. So, I take my share, like everyone else. 😡

Update #2: I also should point out the following: I have not had any health insurance since 2000. I had this insurance via the cobra program, which allowed me to keep my insurance from a former employer of mine. It was an employer I worked for in the early 1990’s. I finally had to give it up, because it was just too expensive to own. So, again, all this silly whining is silly, I believe.

Update #3: As much as I am not a fan of this guy here; he does have a point.

Update #4: I have been getting a number of emails from people wondering why I’m attacking Jim Hoft. The simple answer is this here: some of Jim Hoft’s friends have attacked me in the past. And I believe Jim Hoft has posted some items that have smeared me. One of Jim’s friends even went as far as to accuse me of being a racist and an anti-semite. The way I see it turnabout is fair play.

Do not misunderstand me here, I take no pleasure in knowing that Jim Hoft is suffering physically, not at all. But, the way I see it, if the players in the blogosphere want to smear me and call me an anti-Semite and a racist bigot; that I don’t mind pointing out the hypocrisy of the fact that a conservative blogger is whining because his insurance got cancelled.

The truth is that the conservative blogosphere has always hated my guts, because I happen to be at one time a left of center blogger. And because I dared to challenge one of the neoconservative darlings of the right-wing blogosphere. This blogger actually had the temerity to go around posting personal information about a child’s parents all because she didn’t like the idea of a social program that would benefit the children like him. The child I’m referring to is Graeme Frost. because of this blogger’s blatant stupidity in exposing this boy’s parents personal information I posted what I thought was her real address and telephone number. Turns out she had not lived there over 3 years. But, none of that actually mattered what mattered was that I dare to challenge her and as a result I became the most hated man in the blogosphere.

Another reason these people hate me is because one of their darling bloggers decided to make fun of me and when he did, I fired back and I made it personal and in the process I ended up insulting his dead wife. At the time I had no idea that the name that I brought up on my blog was his dead wife and I apologized for it as well many times over. But, they still act like it happened last week when all actuality it happened back in 2007.

The funny and ironic part is, is that two women who worked for David Horowitz, and now work for this woman or at least did till she offloaded her new website; smeared me as an anti-Semite and a bigot. Well the way I see it, these women are really friendly with Jim Hoft and if they don’t mind smearing me and making up lies about me and all this other nonsense, then I don’t mind telling the truth about how I really feel about conservative bloggers who whine about losing their insurance.

The truth is none of these people have actually met me in person at all. But, they will get on blogs and write things about me telling half-truths an outright lies all to try to discredit me and liable me on the Internet. So the way I see it, payback is a bitch and so are the people that smeared me and said things about me that were not true. The point I’m making is this here: the way I see it: you make friends with dogs like that, then you deal with the crap that gets flung at you because you’re friends with them.

The truth is they started the war with me and they slandered me. because I actually had the audacity to fight back, they declared war against me hacked my blog and proceeded to smear me on the Internet. So I think a bit of a slam dunk of one of their friends is justified. If any of them don’t like it — too bad. Quit stabbing people in the back and quit lying about people and maybe stuff like this won’t get written about you. Its just that simple.